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The Wayward Society corp is a Non-Profit Organization based out of Rockford IL. 

Founded 2021, The Wayward Society is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization that serves as a mobile resource team providing wrap around support services to individuals and families living with disabilities who are experiencing crisis, mental health or behavioral challenges.

        We support families as they regain their independence using a holistic approach throughout our blended case management, peer mentorship, prevention and life safety community education services. We also have an Expressive Arts Program designed to support adults and families enrolled in crisis/ community support services within Winnebago County as they create art, build community, and reduce stigma.


 The Wayward Society is run entirely by community donations and operated by an all-volunteer staff!

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1280 S. Alpine Road Rockford IL, 61108   

( Located inside Forest City Church)

Serving residents of Winnebago County

As a public charity we are a 501(c)(3) organization. ID# 87-2322937

Contact us for additional tax info. 


The Wayward Society is founded on the principles of inclusivity, community and accessibility to support services and expressive arts for individuals and families in crisis.

Our resources and support come with NO COST to families EVER. 

The arts provide a powerful outlet for addressing emotional and/or problem behaviors.  A holistic approach to learn new skills and talents, to express one's thoughts and ideas in both creative and therapeutic ways. Expressive arts can offer victims of trauma ways cope with painful experiences by fostering resiliency, problem-solving skills, and autonomy, but more so, it ignites a sense of purpose and belonging.  It builds community and shows that the world DOES still have some good in it. It creates a world where all things are truly possible, because THEY ARE.  

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