ISSUE-252: IRI/non-ASCII not permitted

IRI/non-ASCII not permitted

TPE Last Call
Raised by:
Nick Doty
Opened on:

Section 6.3.2: The grammar doesn't allow %, so the path to the DNT value cannot include non-ASCII characters that are percent encoded. Neither can the path be an IRI or non-ASCII string value. A tracking resource might be named for some actual resource that uses non-ASCII characters in its name. Not permitting non-ASCII directly or via URI percent escapes limits what can be represented and this appears to represent a problem later for features such as requesting the status for a specific resource.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Resolving Last Call issues to TPE (from [email protected] on 2014-09-08)
  2. Re: tracking-ISSUE-253: Section 6.4.2: restriction to "URI-safe characters" [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-08-26)
  3. Re: tracking-ISSUE-252: IRI/non-ASCII not permitted [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-08-26)
  4. tracking-ISSUE-253: Section 6.4.2: restriction to "URI-safe characters" [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-07-13)
  5. tracking-ISSUE-252: IRI/non-ASCII not permitted [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-07-13)

Related notes:

WONTFIX. The grammar for status-id is restricted in order to encourage a minimal token, not a human-readable name. There is no name connection (aside from the origin server root) between the status-id token and any of its corresponding designated resources.

Roy Fielding, 27 Aug 2014, 01:34:39

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Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <[email protected]>.
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