ISSUE-244: priority of local legislation

priority of local legislation

TPE Last Call
Raised by:
Nick Doty
Opened on:
Article 29 Working Party suggests including the following normative language in the Draft TPE Specification, Section 2, Terminology:

This specification does not override regulatory terminology, and as such, compliance with this specification does not mean compliance with regulations.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Resolving Last Call issues to TPE (from [email protected] on 2014-09-08)
  2. Re: tracking-ISSUE-244: priority of local legislation [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-07-22)
  3. tracking-ISSUE-244: priority of local legislation [TPE Last Call] (from [email protected] on 2014-07-13)

Related notes:

Editor's opinion is WONTFIX because things that are obvious without being said are not included in technical specifications.

Roy Fielding, 27 Aug 2014, 00:30:13

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <[email protected]>.
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