ISSUE-21: Enable external audit of DNT compliance

Enable external audit of DNT compliance

Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)
Raised by:
Opened on:
Text proposal by Kevin Trilli:
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. Re: Agenda for 28 November 2012 call - V02 (from [email protected] on 2012-11-27)
  2. Agenda for 28 November 2012 call - V02 (from [email protected] on 2012-11-27)
  3. Re: Agenda for 28 November 2012 call - V01 (from [email protected] on 2012-11-25)
  4. Agenda for 28 November 2012 call - V01 (from [email protected] on 2012-11-25)
  5. ISSUE-21: Moving from Compliance to TPE (from [email protected] on 2012-11-10)
  6. agenda for 8 August 2012 call (from [email protected] on 2012-08-07)
  7. agenda: 18 April 2012 call (from [email protected] on 2012-04-18)
  8. (Issue - 21) Enable External Audit of DNT Compliance (from [email protected] on 2012-03-27)
  9. RE: Agenda for 2012-Feb-14 call (from [email protected] on 2012-02-16)
  10. Agenda for 2012-Feb-14 call (from [email protected] on 2012-02-16)
  11. RE: DNT Compliance and Audit Services (ACTION-56, ISSUE-21) (from [email protected] on 2012-02-06)
  12. Re: DNT Compliance and Audit Services (ACTION-56, ISSUE-21) (from [email protected] on 2012-02-03)
  13. RE: DNT Compliance and Audit Services (ACTION-56, ISSUE-21) (from [email protected] on 2012-01-31)
  14. DNT Compliance and Audit Services (ACTION-56, ISSUE-21) (from [email protected] on 2012-01-31)
  15. ISSUE-21: Enable external audit of DNT compliance (from [email protected] on 2011-09-21)

Related notes:

[tlr]: jonathan mayer: difference between response header and technical verification is what brought this up initially.

25 Jan 2012, 09:03:49

[tlr]: see discussion at Bellevue face-to-face,

28 Nov 2012, 18:01:44

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Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <[email protected]>.
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