XML Schema 1.0 Second Edition Errata

$Id: xmlschema-errata.html,v 1.2 2010/08/19 18:36:29 cmsmcq Exp $

Important Notice

This is not the errata document for the initial editon of XML Schema 1.0 published on 2 May 2001 -- that document is still available, but all the corrections recorded there have been incorporated into the proposed second edition of the W3C XML Schema Recommendation.

Comments on either edition should be sent to [email protected] (archive at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-schema-comments/).


This document records known errors in the XML Schema 1.0 Second Edition for which the XML Schema WG has approved fixes.

The errata are separated into 3 sections, corresponding to the 3 sections of the specification:

Errata for each part are numbered separately. Errata for Part 0 are numbered with a prefix beginning with "E0-", errata for Part 1 are identified by "E1-", and errata for Part 2 are numbered with "E2-". The errata within each section are classified as Error, Editorial or Clarification and listed in reverse chronological order of their date of publication. Three kinds of changes are highlighted: new, added text, changed text, and deleted text.

Errata for Part 0 (Primer)

None so far.

Errata for Part 1 (Structures)

E1-56 Error

This change eliminates a contradiction in the XSD 1.0 specification concerning the interaction of default values for elements with complex types and the [schema normalized value] property of the post-schema-validation information set (PSVI). Informally: when the element has no content, its [schema normalized value] (if it has one) is supplied from the default value specified for the element's type, but character information items are not added to the element in the PSVI.

See Bugzilla entries 2632 Default value and [schema normalized value] and 6836 Default value and [schema normalized value] (for XSD 1.1 and 1.0 respectively).

This issue also affects the XDM Data Model and related specifications; see Bugzilla entry 2630 [DM] Default values of elements.

Revise the following sections as shown:

§3.2.5 Attribute Declaration Information Set Contributions

In Schema Information Set Contribution: Attribute Validated by Type, revise the description of [schema normalized value] as follows:

PSVI Contributions for attribute information items
[schema normalized value]
The If the attribute's · normalized value· is ·valid· with respect to the governing type definition, then the ·normalized value· of the item as ·validated·, otherwise ·absent·.

In the paragraph preceding the description of [member type definition namespace] etc., revise the text as follows.

If the attribute's ·normalized value· is ·valid· with respect to governing type definition as defined by String Valid (§3.14.4) and the ·type definition· has {variety} union, then calling [Definition:]   that member of the {member type definitions} which actually ·validated· the attribute item's ·normalized value· the actual member type definition, there are three additional properties:
§3.3.1 The Element Declaration Schema Component

Revise the seventh paragraph as shown:

{value constraint} establishes a default or fixed value for an element. If default is specified, and if the element being ·validated· is empty, then the canonical form of the supplied constraint value becomes the [schema normalized value] of the ·validated· element in the ·post-schema-validation infoset·. for purposes of calculating the [schema normalized value] and other contributions to the ·post-schema-validation infoset· the element is treated as if the {value constraint}'s {lexical form} was used as the content of the element. If fixed is specified, then the element's content must either be empty, in which case fixed behaves as default, or its value must match the supplied constraint value.

After the seventh paragraph, insert the following note:

Note: When a default value is supplied and used, as described in the second sentence of the preceding paragraph, the default value is used to calculate the [schema normalized value], etc., but the actual content of the element is not changed: the element contained no character information items in the input information set, and it contains none in the PSVI.
Also, as specified in its definition the [schema normalized value] property is available only for elements whose governing type definition defines a simple type or a complex type with simple content; in the case of an element with mixed content, a default value can be specified but is not directly exposed in the ·post-schema-validation infoset·. (It can be found by examining the [schema default] property of the element item; the default is applicable when the item's [schema specified] property has the value schema.)
§3.3.5 Element Declaration Information Set Contributions

Revise the description of [schema normalized value] as follows:

PSVI Contributions for element information items
[schema normalized value]
The appropriate case among the following:
1 If clause 3.2 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) and Element Default Value (§3.3.5) above have not applied and either the ·type definition· is a simple type definition or its {content type} is a simple type definition, then the ·normalized value· of the item as ·validated·.
2 otherwise ·absent·.
The appropriate case among the following:
1 If clause 3.2 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) above has not applied and either the governing type definition is a simple type definition or its {content type} has {variety} simple, then the appropriate case among the following:
1.1 If clause 5.1 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) above has applied, then the {lexical form} of the {value constraint}
1.2 If clause 5.1 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) above has not applied and the the element's ·normalized value· is ·valid· with respect to the simple type definition as defined by String Valid (§3.14.4), then the ·normalized value· of the item as ·validated·
1.3 otherwise ·absent·.
2 otherwise ·absent·.

In the paragraph preceding the description of [member type definition namespace] etc., revise the text as follows.

If the [schema normalized value] is not ·absent· and the ·type definition· is a simple type definition or its {content type} is a simple type definition, and that type definition has {variety} union, then calling [Definition:]   that member of the {member type definitions} which actually ·validated· the element item's ·normalized value· [schema normalized value] the actual member type definition, there are three additional properties:

Revise the description of [schema specified] as follows.

PSVI Contributions for element information items
[schema specified]
The appropriate case among the following:
1 If the item is ·valid· with respect to an element declaration as per Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) and the {value constraint} is present, but clause 3.2 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) above is not satisfied and the item has no element or character information item [children] clause 5.1 of Element Locally Valid (Element) (§3.3.4) above has applied, then schema. Furthermore, the ·post-schema-validation infoset· has the canonical lexical representation of the {value constraint} value as the item's [schema normalized value] property.
2 otherwise infoset.

Errata for Part 2 (Datatypes)

None to date.