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  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
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Unify + Snowflake Solution Announcement

Unify Consulting Brings Data-Driven Manufacturing Solution to the Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud

Data-Driven Manufacturing solution enables joint customers to generate insights to improve product design and personalization leading to growth in sales, customer satisfaction, and market share.

Seattle, April 13th Unify Consulting today announced the launch of its new Data-Driven Manufacturing solution as a pre-built solution for the Manufacturing Data Cloud, launched by Snowflake, the Data Cloud company. The Manufacturing Data Cloud enables companies in automotive, technology, energy, and industrial sectors to unlock the value of their critical siloed industrial data by leveraging Snowflake’s data platform, Snowflake- and partner-delivered solutions, and industry-specific datasets.

The Manufacturing Data Cloud empowers manufacturers to collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers in a secure and scalable way, driving greater agility and visibility across the entire value chain.

“Working with partners, such as Unify Consulting, allows us to give our manufacturing customers and their suppliers access to the data, applications, and services needed to effectively manage and deliver better products and services to their customers,” said Tim Long, Global Head of Manufacturing at Snowflake. “Snowflake’s continued partnership with Unify Consulting will help the industry continue to embrace digital modernization.”

With Snowflake’s Manufacturing Data Cloud, organizations can build a data foundation for their business, improve supply chain performance, and power smart manufacturing initiatives in today’s digital-industrial world.

Unify’s Data-Driven Manufacturing solution enables customers to improve product design and personalization with integrated data and product insights. Unify leverages Snowflake’s single, integrated platform to house data that was previously siloed, difficult to integrate, and slow to access. With Snowflake, data processing that took two or more weeks in the past can be done in minutes. Unify combines and analyzes key data sources in the Snowflake Data Cloud, allowing better identification of product performance, feature enhancement, and customization opportunities for products that are relevant to customers. The solution helps customers achieve greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue/market share growth through insight-driven product design.

“We’re excited to be part of the Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud launch and jointly address the complex challenges of the manufacturing industry,” said Dave Albano, Unify’s Chief Consulting Services Officer. “Unify Consulting enables customers to effectively integrate their siloed data and generate insights using advanced analytics to inform product feature design and personalization. Our partnership with Snowflake is a testament to our commitment to support smart manufacturing initiatives.”

To learn more about:

  • Unify’s proven impact, bespoke solutions and partnership opportunities, contact us today.
  • Snowflake’s Manufacturing Data Cloud launch here and partner-tailored solutions for the manufacturing industry here.