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Themelantic is proud to present Elemental — a beautiful, flexible theme that's easy to customise. You can change absolutely everything, and make your Tumblr site your own.

— Grid and blog-style layouts
— Two sidebar positions
— Beautifully responsive for mobile and tablet
— Customise every colour and widget
— Showcase a beautiful header image
— Sidebar widgets for Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, and more

Sidebar Widgets

Elemental comes with an array of different sidebar widgets. You can feature your latest photographs from Flickr or Instagram, your most recent tweets, inspiration on Pinterest, and more.

Social buttons let people follow your adventures on your various social media channels.

Grid & Blog-Style Layouts

Choose from two completely different layout styles to make your website your own.

Either a regular, blog-style layout with two columns, or a masonry grid-style layout that arranges your content in a grid on the page.

Share Away

With one click, visitors can share your content across different social channels: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.

This is in addition to all the usual Tumblr features, allowing people to like and reblog your content. Don't let your incredible content go unnoticed!

A Big, Beautiful Header

Prominently feature a large header image, as well as your profile picture (in square or circle variations).

Your social profiles are showcased right in the header, and you can choose from every major social network.

Complete Feature Listing

See the complete feature listing on the Themelantic website, as well as details of recent changes and additions to the theme.

Fantastic Support & Updates

Our Help Center is the best place to start for quick answers, tips, and advice. If there's anything else we can help with, we're just an email away. We take theme support seriously, and we'll usually get back to you the same day (although it might take a bit longer for free themes).

All our themes are regularly updated with fixes, new features, and small improvements. If you haven't made any changes to the theme's HTML, you'll get these updates automatically. If you have changed the theme code, a quick reset to the original theme will give you the latest version. Good times!

Theme support: [email protected]

A beautiful, retro-inspired theme. Completely vintage. Completely free!
Last updated 2023-03-17