
on the announcement that Disney+ is removing a plethora of shows and films from its service, please read these tweets from Willow writer John Bickerstaff. this is not a tax writeoff like Batgirl, because these projects have already been released. this is a move designed to cut off financial support in the form of residuals, and break the spirit of the strike. here is the deadline article that lists the films/shows that will be removed.

as always, donate to the entertainment community fund, vocally support the WGA online and irl, or join a picket in a major US city if you can. let them know they can't keep getting away with things like this.

Content Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

Hello, I am Willow. I have already wondered some of the mountain trails. This place suits me. I am more of a forest nymph than a swamp thing. I hope you will see more of me soon.

Content Label: Mature

Sexual themes

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