
shadow and bone: Defeating evil finding real love killing the bad guy saving the world patriotism sacrifice


six of crows: umm we want money so we kill people and kidnap people

And I think we save the world there somewhere along the way


Reading Six of Crows for the first time goes like this (in my experience)

First chapter - I don’t know what’s going on, maybe Kaz’s pov will explain it

Kaz’s pov - okay I know Inej is pretty but what’s the plan here

Half-way through - I don’t know what’s happening but I like Wylan, I wonder when we’ll get his pov

The tank scene - this is so fun! wait Nina don’t take drugs

The end - well what the fuck just happened


“It was the one rule I swore I would never break.” Inej said, tears stinging her eyes. “The one thing that held me accountable. If I don’t have that, if there’s nothing to restrain me...I’m terrified of what I could become.”



“Then let him hold you accountable. He can be what restrains you. You’re not too far gone. Maybe there are miracles and Kaz isn’t either. If I can nearly kill someone and they can still look me in the eye without fear, you do not need to be afraid of being a monster.”

“What if that’s more a testament to Nina being one hell of a woman than someone being able to purge their darkness?” Inej asked.

Matthias smiled. “I think more than one thing at a time can be true. You can put off the inevitable or you can embrace it. Sooner or later, you have to go out into the world and just try. You didn’t even have to break out of prison to do it.”

Inej laughed much sooner than she thought she’d ever laugh again. “...I know it’s inevitable. But I still need time to...to forgive myself.”

“That time may never come, believe me, but you still have to face the world. You have seen a change in me, yes?”


“Just as a monster can be good, a good person can do monstrous things.” Matthias said. “Nina and I spoke a while ago about all the different people we used to be. How life shapes and changes who we are and we rarely notice it. You have been given a gift. You can notice it. So let it change you in the way you want it to. Ensure you can still be good.”


“You have your faith just as I have mine. It will show us how. I thought I had nothing in Hellgate, but I had my faith. If we both have that, how can we ever be lost or alone? I didn’t need a prison cell to be trapped; don’t build one for yourself now.”

-When We Collide, Chapter 10 "The Other Heartrender" (COMING SOON!)

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