
I keep forgetting to put this idea on tumblr but here's a solution for why Gabe is still alive after his 24-hour is over that isn't variations of "the Council lied"

Removal of the Light only let the other angels sense that he's been ostracized and deemed an Other. It is understood amongst angels, Gabriel included, that the only option left for him, should he fail to earn his place, is to kill himself.

Because he is an angel, he will do the Right thing in slaughtering the Council, but also because he's an angel, he does not question his sentence. Much like an infected—defectivecell undergoing apoptosis, it's the Right thing for an exiled angel to commit suicide. (By V1's hands, if possible.)

Eventually it does dawn on him that he's Fine, Actually. That the state of his being is not a death sentence like the church told him it is, that he's not broken or diseased, that despite everything he's been taught, been taught to hate and fear, he's alive alive alive-

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