
Alastor gambled and lost his soul to Vox — who now uses him as a hitman to take down other Overlords who stand in his way (he promises to let Al go once he pays off his debt but keeps adding new terms and conditions making it impossible…wants to keep him forever)

((P.S I just wanted to say, thank you so much to everyone who supported my art print card set project so far 🥹♥️ ))

🍽 Generosity
📺 "NO! Get that thing away from my screen!"
📻 "You know, it is very RUDE to decline my offering. Hmm, maybe I should remind you some manner."
📺 "HELL NO, you already have Rosie for this. NOPE I'M OUT! Do NOT include me in your weird, kinky cannibal shit!"
📻 "Are you sure you don't want to? I could just shove it in, you know?" :}

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