
ROWLET CAKE ROWLET CAKE!!!! The frosting is matcha flavored! This piece was based on those vintage 80's style cakes I kept finding on Instagram. The checkerboard pattern in the background is a tablecloth that I scanned. You can buy this print on my Etsy. This is easily one of my favorite illustrations I made last year ahahaha which is why I got really obnoxious with the tags. (Sorry) Been thinking about sharing some of my process work to show how this materialized.

EDIT: so this particular piece has attracted... perhaps the most engagement that I have ever received on any piece, ever, and that is completely astounding to me. I am so blown away by the reception and the glowing praise from you all and I'm so immensely grateful and humbled. Thank you to everyone who has liked and reblogged this, whether you're a newcomer or a long-time friend who has religiously watched me from the beginning.


had a revelation about rowlet-shaped xiaoven, haikaveh, & ratiorine

[ID: digital drawing of xiao and venti, alhaitham and kaveh, and aventurine and Dr. Ratio as shiny & normal rowlets in costume respectively. Ventilet is showing off his lyre to xiaolet. Kavehlet is yapping his head off while haithamlet is reading his book. Rowventurine is showing off his gambling luck while ratiolet is tired of his antics.]

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