
ALSO I just … NEED to mention this creature. LOOK AT HIM. WHAT IS HE. WHO IS HEEE? So this is what is supposed to be Beta Hunter or whatever. Interesting, but even more so that apart from his familial connection to Obron and his eventual bond with Luz (that starts off a bit antagonistic) he is SO different to what ended up in comparison to the other characters. But you know who he does remind me of though?

Red overalls. Blue eyes. JAGGED KNIFE SWORD. Avid witch HATER. ENGLISH?? ANYWAY-

This kiiiind of convinces me that Belos and Philip were originally different characters because ?? What is this. BECAUSE HE JUST STRAIGHT UP SOUNDS LIKE HOW I’D IMAGINE TWEEN PHILIP TO BE LOL a bratty witch hater who is too proud to ask for help, but will happily accept it. Except he would have gotten to actually interact and bond (EEEEP🥹!) with Luz as humans out of place. What a tragedy !!

He sounds like such a little shit. But he’s cute! I ADORE HIM. All this time I thought William was the original Hunter… but this sounds more like he was the original Philip 😆 but contained in a time capsule instead of allowed to grow into a menace.

Alas, poor William went from witch lunatic, to knight prince, to being eradicated from existence. Such is fate. But parts of him live in Hunter and Philip. But just like the non existent Wittebane story… Won’t stop me from wondering what if !


honestly out of all the pilot/pitch stuff that was removed/changed, i am the most sad about william's removal if anything

arguably his character was later transformed into hunter, but i can see why dana claims technically his character was removed entirely because everything we get on him showcases him to mostly be wildly different from hunter

he's younger, from the 16th century so he's apparently centuries old, the concept was he and luz seemed to be the only humans on the isles, he's also basically everyone's idea of like.....baby philip with the witch hunter aspect more prevalent.

Honestly his pitch design even looks more like baby Philip then hunter.

how he went from this design to the more prince-like design down the line is worth asking. Cause by the time we got to the animation test he was known as "Prince william" (Idk, maybe in the pitch he was gonna be secretly a prince who regains his memories or something?)

he's just a weird kid who lives nearby and screams at the clouds.

apparently he also had a memory problem that would regain over time and reveal he and obron (pitch belos) are family and i assume had some past that probably explains them both being so freaking old and how william fell asleep with memory issues.

Maybe obron was responsible for william's condition, or maybe someone else did this and it led to obron's actions in modern day? i wonder how this would of played out had it been in the final draft.

also their relation, would it have been another nephew-uncle situation? would their relation have been way different, maybe they're brothers who were witch hunters and this was transformed into the wittebane backstory instead? william's also been asleep for centuries so it's been awhile since they've seen each other so their relationship would have a different vibe to it overall.

it's quite interesting, sad we never got to see where it would go but it would be cool if maybe a future project might go through with the unused concept someday.


a version of chronicles of narnia where those closest to the kings and queens get put into a sleep when the pevensies are brought back to their world, from which they're awoken only when their beloved four rules return, something à la sleeping beauty.

so the pevensie siblings return to narnia, and logically, it's been thousands of years. their closest friends, those they viewed as family, are, to their knowledge, dead, and they are completely alone now.

until peter and caspian encounter each other in the woods, and are about to get into their fight. it's the moment where peter's back is turned, and caspian has his word raised. lucy is screaming, tears in her eyes, susan and edmund are too far away to do anything, and there's a moment of chaos before caspian's strike is blocked by a larger, longer sword.

oreius, completely disgruntled and still very out of the loop, but only focusing on the fact that his king, his friend, his son, is in danger, glares daggers at caspian, not looking away for a second, even as tumnus gathers a now-relieved, sobbing lucy up in a tight hug, and edmund and susan shriek with joy upon seeing the beavers and mr. fox.

and any feeling of tension or fear immediately seeps out of peter, who drops the rock he had picked up, and stumbles to his feet and to oreius' side, being able to lean on the centaur for the first time in a year, and not have to worry about his safety or his siblings' safety. and oreius, without taking his eyes off of caspian and his followers, just puts an arm around peter.

and caspian remembers. he remembers the stories of the high kings and queens of narnia, and their beloved inner circle, and the absolutely terrifying centaur who called them sons and daughters of his heart, and he can't quite help but think about how utterly fucked he is.

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