Pride Knight Vol. III

Times are fucking scary for us trans folks and it's getting worse by the day. At every turn we meet animosity, moral panic and outright violence - it's more important than ever that we can count on our queer family to have our back.

We cannot be legislated out of existence but we can't fight back all by ourselves.

Stay vigilant and take care of your trans siblings.


Playing GK, and I'm doing a "collectibles" run through Gotham tonight and went hunting for the street art in the West End.

(Sorry for the potato quality; I had to lighten the camera to make it visible in screenshots. Also, image IDs are in alt.)

I was surprised when the descriptor "Born This Way" popped up when I added it to my collection, along with a description of the piece being commissioned for Gotham Pride.

"Aw, that's nice." I thought. A nice little bit of world-building that ties in nicely with Tim coming out as bi and Dick offering to go to Pride with him.

So, anyway, art collected, I hopped back on my bike, took off down the street, and then reversed at full speed because I realized I'd just driven over a rainbow crosswalk.

"Aw, cool! That's a nice little touch. Wait a minute... is that an Irish gay bar?"

"It is! It's a gay Irish bar! Huh... I wonder what else is around here."

So I get off the bike, turn a corner, and start counting the rainbow Pride flags hanging over fire escapes and windows.

"Wait... does Gotham have a Gay Village?"

"Holy shit, they gave Gotham a Gay Village!"

"Wait, what does that sign say under the Pride flag... "The Quiet Escape Bookstore"... GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE!!!"

So anyway, yeah. I have 154 hours in this game and only just now found Gotham's LGBT district.


Meet the King of Diamonds, the rainbow pride knight! Thank you everyone for joining us and giving feedback on all the compositions, shaping this deck; it's been an amazing journey! The Pride Knights Playing Cards, art prints and uncut sheets are now available for pre-order here: prideknights.com ⚔️🌈

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