Cutting you off pt. 4
Light angts/comfort. Good ending! Gender neutral MC.

* Satan was an explosive person, most of the time he tried, really hard, to control himself in front of you. At least that’s what you wanted you believe.

* But when he has bad days… you knew it was better to leave him alone

* Today you hadn’t seen him at all though, so when you encountered him in the HoL library you really didn’t notice the way his hands were clenched in the book, or how his lips were pressed together Ina stressful way.

“Satan! I missed you today! Where were you? It was weird being in hexes without you!” You plopped in a seat in front of him. Satan looked up, still frowning but trying to look more relaxed for you. “Just busy, lots of homework”. “Yeah, tell me about it”, you got up to get a book, one you’ve been reading for a couple of days know, thanks to Satan’s own recommendation. Satan returned to his book, trying to concentrate in it to reduce his wrath.

“What’s your book about?” You took your prior sit, Satan exhaled. Breathe.

“Just a mystery novel.” “Sweet” “Mhm”

“Oh! Did you knew that…” “STOP!” You looked at Satan with a puzzled expression, not even able to verbally respond. “You come, waltzing in, like you own the place and won’t leave me alone, you just won’t shut up!” Satan stoop up Ron his place, book long forgotten. “Ugh, you’re just so clingy sometimes. You’re irritating! You make it so hard to stay in control!” He stopped talking when he looked at you and your big eyes looked back at him with a hurtful expression. He wanted to apologize, he really did, but he was still too angry to act completely coherent. “Mc…” you got up, trying to look as collected as possible, and got out of the library, closing the door behind you. “Fuck…”

That same day, at your usual bedtime, Satan appeared in your room. Apologies and explanations escaped his mouth as soon as you opened the door, and they went on until you stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder and taking it back almost immediately .

“You hurt me Satan. And I know you try really hard to stop yourself when you’re like that but it isn’t the first nor it will be the last time that you call me annoying and clingy for existing on the same room as you. I’m sorry but no, I don’t want your apologies. They’re empty for me”

* After that incident, and his failed attempts to get you to talk to him again, Satan kept on trying to find ways to make you forgive him.

* He cooked your favorite human realm food the day he had dinner duty . They rarely did it since some of the ingredients were fairly expensive and difficult to find in devildom, but still, there it was in front of you, spaghetti carbonara, presented like it was from an expensive restaurant. You felt your stomach growl, but after taking just two little tastes you gave offered it to Beel, who accepted it without hesitating. You could feel Satan’s gaze fixated on you during the whole exchange of words with Beel, but still, he remained silent.

* Next day, you noticed hot coco in your place during breakfast, your favorite drink. You knew this had to be Satans doing so the drink stayed there, untouched.

* You even spent the weekend at purgatory hall. The brothers weren’t excited about the news, but you felt a slumber party was the perfect excuse to avoid being in the same house as Satan for at least a couple days.

* On Monday morning you met with the brothers at RAD to exchange hellos and a couple hugs that lasted a little bit too long. They acted like the first time you came back after a week at the human realm.

* Since Mondays you walked home from school with Satan, you decided to pass the time until Beel finished fangol practice so you could walk with him.

* With limited possibilities, you ended up in the library trying to do a little bit of homework to avoid letting your mind wonder into analyzing your gutted feelings and how much you missed Satan this past days.

* The library appeared to be alone, so you took this as your lucky day to be able to spend time alone without the brothers having to take care of you.

* You were too concentrated picking a book to feel the eyes that were following your every move. It wasn’t until you felt a breath in your neck and an arm appeared at the side of your head that you turned around quickly.

“Oh… uhm, hi” you said nervously while trying to move from their imprisonment.

The demon kept his eyes on you, a smirk appearing in his face as he saw you trying, and failing, to escape.

“It’s so weird finding you here. Alone” he smelled your hair. “Without the avatars around you”. You felt your breath getting caught in your throat as you saw him getting closer. “I-I will summon them” cursing yourself for stuttering, you raised your hand to try and position it in one -any- of your pacts, but he grabbed it before you could even register it. You frowned, getting almost as mad as you were scared, you tried to take your hand back. “Let me go!” “You’re feisty, aren’t you?” He got as close as he could, bumping your nose with his, you could notice his fangs showing every time he spoke. “That’s okay, I like that, makes it more entertaining.”

You were trying to look for a way out as his tongue licked your cheek. You closed your eyes in disgust. What should you do? Hit him with a book? Step on him?

Suddenly the icky feeling in your cheek stopped and it was replaced by just a crashing noise and a growl, you were pushed in the sudden movement and feel to your knees. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You recognized Satan’s voice automatically. He threw a bookcase at the lesser demon. You could see his shoulders go up and down with every breath, filled with wrath; after a couple of seconds where the other demon just stayed on the floor complaining, Satan turned to look at you.

You didn’t knew if it was because you were on your knees, if it was his stoic demon form or the aura of wrath surrounding him, but you could sense the power he emanated with his mere presence. His hand in front of yours took you out of your trance; you took his hand and as soon as you were on your feet he pulled you close. His hand cleaned the side of your face the other demon had licked prior to Satan’s appearance, he turned his head to look at the other demon, you could see the fire in his eyes, burning to take out his anger in the other demon.

“No! Leave it!” Satan turned to look at you again, a bit taken aback “please, I just want to go home. He’s not worth it, and I’m okay now” You pleaded, hands grabbing his clothes in little fists in an attempt to keep him close to you. After a while he exhaled, “it’s okay, kitten. We’ll go home.” He caressed your cheek. He took your hand, before he started walking he looked back, anger invading his factions again, “you’re so lucky she’s here to stop me from destroying you, but I’ll find you again, piece of shit.”

* You arrived the house of lamentation, and ever since you stepped foot in the house, Satan stood by your side, comforting you, prior fight long forgiven, but still in the air, making you feel like there was something pending between you two.


“Mhm?” He answered without interrupting his lecture, his other hand still caressing you, playing with your hair in a relaxing way.

“I’m sorry for holding a grudge to you even after you apologized, it was dumb of me”

The blond man closed the book at fully looked at you now, “what are you talking about? Don’t apologize. You were completely right.”

“But, you saved me today, and I just…”

“Still, I was an asshole to you the other day, you had every right to be mad at me.”

You smiled, rearranging your position in his chest to keep on talking. “Thank you for saving me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll always be there to save you”.


I suck his dick, it's big, it's very-very big! ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd make you cockwarm him while he works, the door unlocked, his dick so close to your g-spot but he wouldn't let you move! hands keeping your waist in place as his dick keeps you all stuffed n warm.

“I'll be done soon, sweetheart, you can wait a little more right? So, be a good girl n stop movin’ so much.”

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd praise you for sucking him off so good, tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you try not to gag on his huge dick. Guiding your tongue on his dick, gently holding your hair, shooting thick ropes of cum in your mouth.

“God, your mouth feels so good, my sweets. Keep goin’ alright? looking so pretty f’ me.”

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd taunt n insult you while you gag on his dick, roughly grabbing your hair and making you take him fully. Your mascara n lipstick all ruined, eyes rollin’ back when he cums in your mouth. :(

“You look like some cheap whore like this, y'know. I bet you're getting wet from me degrading you, hm? As expected.”

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you in a mating press, his big cock stretching your insides, hitting your womb. Pressin’ his hand on your tummy to feel his dick in you, making you whine. Your tummy already full from how much he cums, you definitely can't go for another round.. + he's gonna fuck you till you need a wheelchair.

“It won't fit? Don't worry, darlin’. Gonna make your cunt remember my dick, don't worry! Even if it does forgets, I'll just fuck ya again.”

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you till your dumb n can only think of him and his dick if you do decide to act all bratty or he'd just tie you up n put a vibrator on your clit and watch as you squirm around trying to get a release, but he turns off the vibrator just when you're gonna cum. :(

"Should've thought before being like that, what did you expect, princess? acting all flirty with that random guy, trying to make me jealous."

◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who’re either super experienced from sleeping around or just fucking virgin losers, walkin’ around with that big ass dick in his pants.

— FYODOR, Leona, Dazai, NIKOLAI, Beel, Chuuya, Diavolo, SEBEK, Lucifer, Malleus, MAMMON, Jack, Blade, Neuvillette, Sampo, IDIA, Zhongli, Scara, CHILDE, TOJI, Jing yuan, Gojo, Sukuna, NANAMI, Dr. ratio, Wriothesley, ALHAITHAM, CATER + your favs.

"Wait...you've been kissing the same spot!"

"You know very well why I am doing this dear"

It just started with a small information which you learned from some of your friends. They were bragging about how the moles and birthmarks in your body represent the places your past lover kissed you.

A harmless one right? you told it to your boyfriend and let's say he was feeling quite a mix of emotions then.

"I would like to see the places where you have those, you don't mind it, do you, my dear ?" Although his tone was gentle, his eyes were speaking a different tale. The emphasis on the word 'my dear' sent chills down your spine.

Not even a minute had passed from you showing him the moles and marks around your body, that he tackles them with ferverent yet soft kisses. As if he was trying to replace your past lovers trace with only his ...

"It is good to see that you had a past lover who clearly loved you a lot..." he looked at you through half lidded eyes

with a particularly rough kiss on the birthmark on your chest , he whispered

"But I'd rather you don't mention them again"

— wriothesley, NEUVILLETTE, ZHONGLI, diluc, CHILDE, AYATO, kaeya, alhaitham, VIL, MALLEUS, leona, AZUL, dan heng, BLADE, JING YUAN, luocha, dr ratio, sampo, diavolo, MAMMON, lucifer, satan, BEELZEBUB

tagging : @fictoculus @poison-demon @mitsvriii @pianopuppygirl @sleepy-waffle @falors @imhere2dosomething @moondrop-gummies @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf

© 2024 maopll. do not copy, repost or modify my work in any form


I like to imagine an MC with ~Trauma~ (because same) that is just completely oblivious to how much all the other characters will back-flip and change entire habits for them. Like, I'm envisioning:

MC is just casually hanging out like usual when some of the brothers break out fighting in the house...like usual, and the shouting and sounds of things breaking causes them to tear up and panic a bit. Although they don't really notice that for the next month, none of them get into fights and when they start to do so, they end up taking it outside.

Or maybe MC avoiding the angels for a good while and no one can figure out why till they mention that they're not used to people treating them like that and it's very unnatural. "At least being around demons feels more normal." And none of the characters take this well. Even Diavolo has to sit down and stare at a wall for a while and reevaluate his whole outlook on things. Simeon tries sounding a bit more "rough" for a while and it flops terribly.

Or even:

MC: Oh, there you guys are, I was wondering where some of you went.

*A few of the brothers lift their head as the human enters the living room.*

MC: Is there something going on? Why are you all here?

Mammon: Sittin' here watchin' the races.

Satan: Reading.

Lucifer: Taking the time to catch up on old Devildom infrastructure.

Levi: Playing the newest Hell Souls!

MC: *A bit confused.* So you're all doing your own thing...in the living room?

Satan: That's typically what the living room is for.

MC: But...doesn't that make you uncomfortable?

*All of them realize they've never really seen MC come out of their room unless invited otherwise.*

Lucifer: *Physically vibrating in his seat trying to hold back the "Take Them Under Your Wing" urge he's started to experience at least once a week now.*

I just...listen I know they're demons but they comfort they would bring...

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