
An older drawing of Vin from Mistborn (which was written by Brandon Sanderson.) I know her cloack is black and all, but I wanted it to be...misty.👅 (EDIT: Apparently it's indeed grey and I just forgot.)


I think pierced ears and earrings are cool and all, but I’m not a fan of wearing earrings all the time because they allow the evil god of change and war and destruction to influence your thoughts emotions and actions and prevent the god of safety and peace and preservation from helping you and giving you extra superpowers and letting you share references to your favorite book series.


Elend: You've managed-- in our short three years together-- to kill not only my god, but my father, my brother, and my fiance. That's kind of like a homicidal hat trick. It's a strange foundation for a relationship, wouldn't you say?



I have only read 11 of them so far, but Brandon Sanderson has such Cosmere characters as:

- Plucky orphan that eats metal

- Plucky orphan who is exceptionally slippery

- Man who misses his wife.

- Man who misses his wife.

- Man who doesn't miss his wife because of a magical curse

- Man who feels guilty for being alive

- Man who feels guilty for being alive

- Man who feels guilty for being alive

- Shapeshifting gust of wind

- Shapeshifting dog

- Shapeshifting gardener

- Shapeshifting buzzing fractal

- Shapeshifting femdom

- Godlike self-insert who wanders the universe trying to find the plot of whatever book he's in


When Scadrial eventually gets internet I hope Hoid is always somehow able to snatch the username/gamertag Kelsier the second a new social media or videogame comes out. People eventually realize that they all appear to belong to the same person and all sorts of wild theories start circulating. Could the Survivor somehow be... alive? Whenever Hoid is off-world, Marsh keeps the accounts active. Thaidakar fails to emotionally blackmail Harmony into revealing who is behind the accounts on a weekly basis.


Kandra under the Lord Ruler:

"We obey the Contract. Without rules we are no better than wild beasts. We must always act with dignity befitting our noble place as servants of the Lord Ruler."

Kandra under Harmony:

17 Kandra surround an undulating mass of limbs chanting "ONE MORE LIMB! ONE MORE LIMB!"

The mass in the middle shouts, "Okay! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna make another leg!"

A new leg emerges from the mass, the other Kandra lose their shit over it.

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