
New Fic: The Cabin

With HUGE thanks to the organizers of this amazing event, here is my submission for the final @avatar-hauntober prompt: Haunted Houses.

Title: The Cabin Relationships: Korra & Tarrlok Rating: T Summary: Korra returns to the cabin where Tarrlok once held her prisoner. It is not as empty as she believed it to be.


A Twinkle In The Void [Hauntober #9]


Hauntober Day 9: Stars

Characters: Eimir, Felicity 

Words: 789


Eimir had long since forgotten what realm she had come from, or why she had been imprisoned in the void. Bits and pieces of fractured memories would return to her in sparatice patterns, each one hung from a string just out of reach. Taunting her with false promises of the life she once had.

If she sat long enough she could recall many things, the feeling of wet clothes hanging from her frail bones, why were they wet? Hands running through her hair, who’s? Stars.. The memories of stars had always been the worst, always given her the least to hold onto. She thinks she may have gazed upon them once, naming patterns with two others.


Hauntober Returns: Week 4

Welcome to Week Four. We're quickly approaching the moon’s apex and the end of Hauntober’s return—our month-long prompt challenge. By now, you’ve no doubt begun to feel a change in the air. Mornings are colder, the days are shorter, and it’s finally time to seek solace in a hot cup of tea as the leaves turn familiar shades of red and yellow. We encourage you to take a long, lingering look at the bottom of your mug and be inspired by what the tea leaves have revealed. But beware of the shadowy figures that move just beyond the banks of fog. You have been warned. We cast ~🍂🌲🎃~ for your prompts…

The air is crisp with the first frost of the season and something else…


Your hot drink is stirring itself.

...and look forward to both the cozy and the cold among your responses!

Source: fandom

spoopy timeeeee


It’s the beginning of October. A stranger emerges from the forest. (includes characters from the DSMP-)

TW: Mentions of needles, Blood, Angst, Fluff, Platonic Relationship


Hauntober Prompt 1: Pumpkin

Life is Gourd

A scruffy man can be seen hunched over a kitchen island as he stabs an orange sphere repeatedly. A string of curses escape his lips as the knife slips from his hand and falls to the table with a clang.

“Don’t you know you’re supposed to cut away from yourself, Geoff?” Asks a concerned bearded man as he enters the room. Geoff turns his head over his shoulder and mimics the concerned man before sticking his tongue out at him in jest.

“Do you know how many pumpkins I’ve had to carve so far today? I’ve had to carve seven! Seven freaking pumpkins, Jack! I’m up to my ass in pumpkin guts and I’m losing my mind.” Geoff whines, pouting his face as he crosses his arms over his chest. Perking up slightly as Jack crosses the room and places down a brown paper bag on the island next to him. “Is this what I think it is?” He asks Jack, eyeing the greasy bag with piqued interest.

“You mean did your best friend pick up Torchy's Tacos? Then yes, yes I did.” Jack answers with a smirk on his face before speaking again as he grabs the back bag from the honing in Geoff, “Torchy's Tacos that you will not have unless you clean up, it looks like you got into a fight with a pumpkin and lost.” He chuckled to himself as Geoff sighed in an annoyed tone before leaving the room to wash up.

A few short moments later Jack had cleared up the pumpkin guts and various orange pieces strewn across the table and set down plates and drinks. Having just taken a seat himself as Geoff returned to the room, “Dude, you’ve got to help me finish carving something before I completely lose it. You don’t want to see me when a pumpkin has enraged me. Got it?” He demands as his seat is taken across the table from a bemused Jack.

“Whatever you say, just dig in before the food gets cold.” He replies with his eyebrow raised. “Besides, I've already got an idea in mind…” Jack trails off not wanting to spoil the surprise.

“As long as you don’t show me up I’m sure it’ll be nice as dicks dude.” Geoff retorts through mouthfuls of taco. Not much conversation is had as the two wolf down all the food on the table, leaving nothing behind but empty wrappers and drinks.

Once the greasy taco mess was cleaned up and replaced with some fresh pumpkin guts it only took an hour to finalize their designs and carve them out. The duo quickly scooped up their creations and carried them to the front desk before placing them down for all to see. The larger of the two pumpkins had a Tetromino block design carved into the front, while the other, a much rounder and squat pumpkin, had a very crude but recognizable melting popsicle design.


Hauntober Prompt 2: Leaves

Leaf Me Alone

A cool breeze runs through the air as the sky begins to cloud up overhead. A duo nearby can be heard bickering in a backyard. One sounded annoyed as the other poked fun, clearly enjoying himself.

“For the last time, I’ve already told you I’m not carving pumpkins in my house Burnie! I don’t want that disgusting orange shit everywhere, I’ll never get all of it up!” A disgruntled man shouts, slightly annoyed at his current company as he stops raking a pile of leaves.

“Gus, it takes five minutes to clean up and you’re done, this is going to take much longer dude! You’re clearly missing the Halloween spirit” The other man exclaimed, gesturing towards the yard scattered with leaves as he tried to hide the smile creeping on his face from riling up his friend.

Gus rolled his eyes, clearly exasperated at the situation before leaning his rake against a nearby tree, “I’m not going to argue with you about it, just finish up that pile and while I go grab the bags.” Turning away as he headed inside with a loud sigh.

A few minutes later the man returned back outside with trash bags in hand, the other half of his duo nowhere to be soon, “probably ditched to go get some beers,” Gus rolled his eyes, annoyed, but not entirely unhappy at the idea of getting some drinks. Reaching down he pulled an orange bag out, opening it up and shoving a handful of leaves inside as he mumbled to himself.

After finishing up his current bag he began work on the next pile of leaves. A few small handfuls later he saw something shining in the sunlight, slowly leaning in to get a better look he reached for it.

“Ahh!” A shape screamed from beneath the leaves as it burst out from under its cover, Gus screamed loudly as he fell back onto a pile of leaves, as the now emerged shape began to laugh loudly. A stream of curses began to escape Gus’s lips as he shook his head before pulling himself off the ground.

“You’re an asshole, you know that?” Gus states as he tries to regain composure from his minor heart attack and resume cleaning up the leaf piles.

“Oh come on, you know I got you good dude.” Burnie boasted with a cheeky smile plastered across his face. Gus would deny it repeatedly as they finished up the yard, but there was an amused smile on his face too after a while.

A short while later they stood in the front yard admiring their handiwork. “Y'know, I’ll be the first to admit it, but these shitty orange pumpkin leaf bags aren’t half bad.” Burnie spoke with a grin looking over at his friend. Gus lifted his beer in agreement as the two clinked glasses.


Your hot drink is stirring itself.

You watch in shock as it does so and resist the screaming in your head telling you to run. You resist calling your partner because that would be admitting that they were right, and the place was haunted. They were right of course but you’d deal with the playful “I told you so” later. You have to focus on the right now. It takes several deep breaths before you decide how you’re going to handle this.

You start by clearing your throat and the stirring stops, the spoon dropping onto the saucer with a clatter.

“Um hello?”

No response.

“Hey, I didn’t scare you off, did I? Look I just want to talk.”

The radio in the kitchen buzzes and you follow the sound. You adjust the dial until you hear the faintest of noises.


“Hi there. So, turns out my spouse was right. Go figure. Do you have a name? I feel bad just calling you The Ghost.”

The radio buzzed. “Martha.”

“I guess you know our names by now. I’m sorry if we’re disturbing you.”

You got a bit of non-descript static in response. The worse thing they’ve done so far is they keep moving where you keep the bread. A few doors have shut too but it’s less slamming and more a gentle push.

“Is there a way that we can make our stay here better for you? Because this...this place is all we can afford. The housing market was a nightmare. I think I know why we got a semi-decent price on this place now.”

“L-lonely,” Martha said.

“Oh, we can fix that. I’m working from home right now. Probably will be for a while. We can hang out when I’m not on a call.”


“Do I like... scrabble? I love scrabble.” You picked up the radio and placed it on the table next to your laptop. There was a sound almost like a relieved laugh. “Let me go get my game.”

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