
i just saw the craziest edit of evan peters as tate langdon to colours by halsey all i could think was oh my god this would have gone quadruple platinum on tumblr in the year 2015 jesus CHRIST


Ashley I know your never gonna read this, but I need to put in a internet cause one day people it’s gonna see this, your music make feel so happy, I’m born and grow up in Costa Rica but now I live in New York, cause I hear every song and you sing about a girl who grown up in Jersey and move to the big city, so I started to dreaming about living in New York, I saw you fighting and when I came here the only job I find was as Dishwasher in a Latin restaurant, so i started to cleaning all the dishes, now it’s been a year since I started as a dishwasher, now I’m the manager of the restaurant, maybe it’s not a big thing but I just want to say, thanks! Cause you are my favorite artist on earth and now I know it’s been so hard for you!, but you always with you songs reminds me never stop! Cause I’m hurricane, we are just seconds in this timeline call life, thank god cause I living in the Halsey era! Thank you Ash/Halsey! ❤️❤️ @tiredandlonelymuse

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