
ghost having an interest in herbalism for ‘just in case’ scenarios that no one is privy to, because oftentimes there’s enough of a first aid kit accessible to manage the same things as a plant would.

until he and soap are in a bad spot, soap’s bleeding something nasty but not severe, and both their medical supplies are insufficient for full care—so ghost orders soap to keep pressure for just a few more minutes, then trudges off into the forest they’re stuck in without another word.

briefly, as soap gets a little woozy, his heart skips a beat seeing ghost return with his mask lifted past his nose—he’s about to make a comment when ghost drops down beside him, spits something into his hand, then pastes it onto soap’s wound. all his thoughts are then summed up into a simple, “what the fuck?”

“yarrow,” ghost grunts. soap just has to stare at him in disbelief, glancing between his lieutenant and the green mush on his arm that is actually, somehow, helping.

well. soap really does learn something new about ghost every day.

Teen!Ghost: -and then Johnny invited me to the park
Teen!Farah: Cute-
Teen!Tommy, over the phone: Ah, my favorite podcast. Hearing your love life over the phone
Teen!Ghost: Yea yea-
Teen!Tommy: You’re such a gay tragedy
Teen!Ghost: Tragedy- Shut up I didn’t fucking ask for your input!
Teen!Gaz: *laughs*
Teen!Farah: You called him
Teen!Tommy: And you have me on speaker!
Teen!Ghost: *hangs up*
Teen!Farah: *wheezes* Simon!
*teen!Gaz’s phone starts ringing*
Teen!Ghost: No-
Teen!Gaz, answering: So, what else about Simon’s love life do you have an opinion on?
Teen!Tommy: They’ve been together for months and he’s only kissed him once. Because he’s a coward~
Teen!Farah & Teen!Gaz: *laughing hysterically*

On the phone:

Soap: Simon, I fucked up. I was doing math with Baby and I told her to “hold up eleven fingers” and she started to panic and I didn’t realise why until she screamed “DAD, DAD! I ONLY HAVE TEN!”

Ghost: …

A very Scottish Baby screaming in the background: I’M A FREAK OF NATURE!!!

Soap: …

Soap: Help.


Soap on a mission while Ghost is on leave, it leads him right near Ghost's flat, and he gets injured on said mission. He calls up Ghost all casually like-

"Hey, how's it?" And Ghost says fine. Boring. And soap goes "good to hear. So- listen, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need you to come pick me up on the corner of[x street] and [y street], if you can't that's fine, tho."

And ghost is worried (rightfully so) like- "why, Johnny?" As he's grabbing the keys to his bike.

"Oh, nothin' much, bored, bleedin' a bit, I can deal with it if you're busy. So- what've you gotten up to without my charming character. Meet anyone?" Ghost can hear the eyebrow wiggle through the speaker on his phone



Look. Soap is VISIBLY angry, while price is manning up and apologizing to soap, and soap is handling it like a big boy, even if he can't make himself look at the man while he does so (he only looks at price once he has accepted price's Apology)

"I shouldn't've stopped you."

"It was the right thing at the time."

(Side note at this angle he is 100% looking directly at Ghost)

And then here Ghost pipes up right after soap is finished speaking, guivng no time for anyone else to interject (he's actively and openly taking soap's side on this)

"At the time..."

And price whips around, and you can't see his face from the angle, but personal experience (being a smartass) tells me from his body language that he is giving Ghost the "don't be an ass about it"/ "*exasperated* really, Ghost? 🤨"/ "don't rub it in" look


Can’t quite figure out how to make the situation totally plausible - but was just imaging Ghost captured by the enemy and they’re torturing him for info. His shirt has been torn off and they spot an elegant script tattoo reading ‘MacTavish’. The enemy assumes he’s a proud Scotsman, since they know Ghost is SAS just not who exactly he is until they think the tattoo gives them that answer. Ghost hasn’t said a word yet, but would rather die than give any info on Johnny up, so when he does talk he perfectly fakes a Scottish accent.

Bonus - Ghost’s mic is picking all this up from where it was sloppily left on with his gear that’s piled in the corner and the 141 listening in to try and figure out a rescue mission with Soap losing his mind over listening to Ghost speaking in a Scottish accent and trying so hard to protect his Johnny.


the first kill soap ever makes is… surprisingly easy. as simple as pulling the trigger and watching a body crumple before a mission pushes forward—because he has no time to dwell, and as young as he is, he can’t fall behind so soon. he doesn’t even feel real, really.

but it all catches up to him later, when they’re back on base and far away from any action and bloodshed. it all catches up to him as he lays safe and restless in his bunk, his mind torturing him with the memory on replay, and he wonders if he’s a bad person. wonders if he’s made the wrong choice. but he says and does nothing—shoves it all into the back of his mind, locks his concerns away in a box because he doesn’t want to be seen as a failure.

he’ll shed silent tears and deal with nightmares with no one else privy to it, and that’s that. he’ll get used to it, he promises himself. it’s just how life—and this job—goes.

he’s not a bad person for following orders. he’s not. right?


the first kill ghost ever makes is complicated.

complicated because killing might mean he’s no better than his father, but disobeying orders so soon could be detrimental to his career and all that he is trying to stand for. complicated because he’s convinced he already has blood on his hands, but, really, what’s more? his hands are already stained, his soul tainted.

he struggles with it, for a while. with what it could mean, what it should, what it does. he struggles especially as he continues killing, gets better and more efficient at it, but it all affects him just as the first had.

because he is a bad person. if he disagrees with an act he’ll just have to learn to accept it. to get over it. and he will—he does. because if it’s not him, it’ll be someone else, someone far less deserving of this baggage than him.

orders or not, ghost will always be a bad person. it’s unavoidable; it’s in his blood.

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