
Inspired by this dragon age version.

Hubert's window is closed and he goes to the wc any time Edelgard wants to look outside. Claude (bothering everyone), Holst (bothering Hilda) and Dorothea (talking to Petra, checking in on Bernie) are never in their seats.


I believe that 50% of the hate Leonie gets is because people don't understand apprenticeships. The Master-Student relationship is not familial, but you traditionally live with them, eat with them, and learn from them every day. It's supposed to last seven years. I'd bet Jeralt didn't give her seven weeks before skipping town.

She spends years being defined as Jeralt's apprentice, the village hero, in her small community. It's become part of her identity by the time she goes to Garreg Mach. (How many hours, days, months, years does she spend going over and over the things he taught her before he left? How many people mocked her for not being able to get him to stay?) Of course she's going to be thrilled to find him again! Especially since he finally takes the apprenticeship seriously.

It has nothing to do with sex.

The other 50% is because grief can cause you to make bad, insensitive decisions. And for some reason people prioritize her B-Support, a one time event, over the fact that anytime else in the month she willingly acknowledges that Byleth is struggling more with the death of their father than Leonie is.

It's a knee jerk reaction. A bad one that she only apologizes for in her A-support with Byleth, which a lot of people don't see because they drop her after the B-Support. (Yes, the apology is followed by a claim that she's still Jeralt's best apprentice and Byleth's rival in that way, but that's always come off as her trying to crack a joke to me.)

The writers did her dirty and people don't understand her situation correctly. But she's a good character and a good unit. Most of her supports are fantastic and don't even mention Jeralt! She does have a personality beyond her Master-Student relationship with him. You just have to give her a honest chance and a little grace.

tldr; Leonie is misunderstood and is actually awesome and a good person.

(please forgive me if this counts as 3H discourse. i wasn't sure, but this is important to me so i had to try)



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