
hard to believe that in 2016 we were all collectively clicking on Google drive links while waiting for subtitles so we could watch a Norwegian show about two boys and then that show got insanely popular so they made several remakes in Europe- further proving that yes there are other isaks and evens in the parallel universes and yes the curtains are different and really queerness is a long thread and we're all holding onto it and it brings us together minute by minute.

(also it did change the TV landscape because a show like young royals would never get made in 2016)


okay so i'm not trying to make this a ~thing~ or a hot take or whatever, but can we talk about how all the hyped up queer shows still predominantly feature mlm couples? i'm not saying there aren't wlw shows/movies or the mlm-focused shows don't also feature wlw characters/couples, just... they either get nowhere near the same amount of hype, have some other main plot, end with at least one of them dying or experiencing something traumatic, get cancelled after one season in the middle of their arc, or they're not the main couple. And that's not to discount the representation you can get from secondary characters of course but just... ugh I want a heartstopper or rwrb or young royals or skam or love, simon or i don't even know... with girls. And I know I'm not the first person to bring this up and I know it's not that simple, but seeing all the hype for heartstopper and rwrb this week makes my heart ache a little bit so i needed to say this somewhere.

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