
I had to go back and check because I had a feeling but

Computer... Enhance

My suspicions were confirmed

THAT'S what was filling me with dread this entire time. They not only had the guy who made one of the best horror shorts I've ever seen as a silly character, but as a consultant because they decided they ALSO wanted to do some fucking scary VHS timeloop stuff.



Prepare yourself for another journey into the unknown, guided by @samreich. The new season premieres February 12th, exclusively on @dropoutdottv

For a full crew list for the season, please go here:Ā https://bit.ly/GameChangerS6Credits


I've seen a couple of posts making jokes about the Casting of the Winter King. You know, stuff to the effect of "I can't believe that if you mix Tom Kenny and Tom Kenny you get Brian David Gilbert" or "Brian David Gilbert is exactly at the midpoint between two flavors of Tom Kenny". And all of these posts are very funny, and I do like them a lot. This post is not meant to start an argument or criticize or complain about them as much as me adding my opinions and thoughts inspired by the thoughts these posts evoked in me.

Because, the thing is... I actually don't think describing the Winter King as 'the middle' of Simon Petrikov and Ice King is a fully accurate way to put it. This is certainly what his design evoke, I think that is how obviously how he presents himself but... after what he did I think he is actually even farther away from Simon Petrikov than Ice King ever was.

That's kinda why the Winter King has a different voice, I think? On a meta level. It's a subtle little reminder that this guy and this guy

Still have, on some level, more in common with each other than either do with this guy

And from an in-universe perspective, I think with the way he switches back to Tom Kenny just as his magic fades away and he's about to die...I think the implication is that the Winter King has been using magic to make his appearance more idealized and attractive. Most obviously in terms of height.

And he probably also did a similar thing with his voice.

Therefore, the main conclusion we must draw from this is that Brian David Gilbert is the most attractive man Simon Petrikov can think of.

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