well... surprising update from the doc actually means I must have another surgery, basically the same as I've had last year. it's nothing really serious, but IT IS kinda unexpected [derogatory]. especially considering I have to leave on tour/vacation in 3 weeks, so I have to deal with it in 2,5 at best. haha. and I have my savings, sure, but I'm still smthn around 150 $ short (and I'm so not in the mood for borrowing), so I once again put all my faith in tumblr's power of love and support! and I LOVE to make something nice for y'all, so maybe you can help me out here a little, lovely people? ;)


you know me, I'm not that bad with pretty much anything - I can do blending, transitions, put your fav lyrics over your otp/fav character, find some parallels, create crazy manips, cracks, or even make a supporting gifset for your fic - ANYTHING! you can take a look at some of my shit HERE.

fandoms are: 9-1-1 (yes, I know I'm new but I'm trying here!), stranger things, supernatural, star wars... and we can discuss anything else as well! as usual, here is my PayPal: [email protected] - I don't have a pricing list, I'm grateful for any amount you're comfortable with ❤️ drop me a message on Tumblr, and I'll make you a nice one!

mwah! and thank you so much in advance!

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