Love me

“Love me,” he whined, snuggling into your neck. You whispered in a voice that even you couldn't hear, "I don't want to."

He started biting your neck and giving you love kisses.

"You don't want to?.. Okay then."

He suddenly got up and left the basement; left you in the dark and cold.

You don't know how much time has passed. Normally he would bring you 3 meals. Your biological clock has memorized meal times. Judging by the sound of your stomach growling, it must have been dinner time.

You waited.

You waited but he didn't come and you started to feel drowsy.

You woke up but he was still gone. You started to panic: What if he doesn't come? What if he leaves you to rot in this basement?

You approached the basement door as much as your chains allowed and waited to hear a sound.

There was no sound.


Even though you hated him, you were worried. You shouted louder.


There was still no sound. You knew he would hear you even if you whispered. He always heard it. You didn't even have to shout.

You tried to make a sound by pulling on your chains. There was no way you could escape on your own if he left you here alone. You panicked and pulled your chains and started crying. You felt tired and hungry. You tried one last time,

"Mingi.. please"

As soon as he heard your begging, he broke through the basement door and rushed inside.

"Are you finally starting to love me now?"

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