đŸŸTrack 5 - Don't Blame Me

*sorry for the delay folks! I made this chapter a little bit longer because you all have been so patient with me! I got my paper done and my teacher looked over it before I turned it in and she liked it! so I hope you all like this chapter! for Logan I am using Kimi during Lotus for his body claim and then for reader I am using Nico during Renault. the cars are going to be switching*


“And that is pole mate. Good job!” 

Logan was shaking as he took his cooldown lap around the track to get back to the pits. He was wondering if his radio was working correctly. 

“Did you say pole?” his voice shakily responded. 

“Yep! Great pace and congrats are in order.” 

He didn’t respond to that, still in disbelief. As he pulled the yellow and black car into Parc Ferme at the number 1 spot, his head whipped around. He let out a sigh in relief as his eyes landed on your own yellow car pulling into the number 2 spot. 

The blond went through his routine of turning off the engine and undoing the steering wheel before standing up and putting it back on. As he was bending down, he felt a slap to his back. Once the wheel had finally been placed in correctly, he turned in the direction of the hand. 

He could see your eyes crinkled through the opening of your visor as your hand clasped his. When he felt your glove, he finally recognized that this was not a dream and Logan was on pole for the first time in his career at the Bahrain Grand Prix. 

A flash of red also came up beside him and scrunched green eyes followed. 

“Mate, you were flying! Your time is so close to almost a one second gap!” he heard Charles say as the three of them took their helmets off so that they could be weighed. 

Logan let out a small laugh. “I was just driving.” 

You shook your head. “Just driving my ass. Lo, this is unbelievable.” 

The American turned his head to look at the other cars slowly pulling in. Max’s car was first in the line, signifying his P4 spot for tomorrow’s race. His face did not look happy as he took his own helmet off and glared at the stewards. Logan shrank in a bit at the sight of the angry Dutchman. When blue eyes met gray, Logan quickly turned his face to the side. 

“I think Max might be mad at me,” he muttered to you as you and Charles lined up for pictures. Charles sighed. 

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