Localizing themes

Localized theme strings allow your theme to appear in every language Tumblr supports. Simply replace any words or phrases in your theme with the appropriate variables below. The full text will be output in the language designated in the blog's settings.

Ideally, no language-specific writing should appear in Tumblr themes. Wherever possible, use the localized theme strings below and theme variables that include labels or phrases (eg. {PlayCountWithLabel} and {NoteCountWithLabel}).

Please avoid graphics and assets that include language specific text. You can use the following language blocks when you need extra control: {block:English}, {block:NotEnglish}, {block:German}, {block:NotGerman},{block:PortuguesePT}, etc.

Currently supported languages are: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Portuguese (PT), Portuguese (BR), Dutch, and Korean.

Note: You can adjust text capitalization using CSS' text-transform property and wrap inserted values with the :before and :after pseudo-selectors (e.g. .search_query:before { content:'“'; } and .search_query:after { content:'”'; }).

{lang:About me}关于我
{lang:Ads like this keep Tumblr free.}这样的广告会让 Tumblr 保持免费。
{lang:All of Tumblr}Tumblr 的一切
{lang:Amazing This Tumblr doesnt like anything}了不起!这个 Tumblr 用户啥都不喜欢。
{lang:Android rating numbers}1.5 百万个评价
{lang:Answered}        回答了
{lang:Apparently this Tumblr is hard to please}这个 Tumblr 用户显然很难取悦。
{lang:Asked by Asker}        提问
{lang:Asked by Asker 2}Asked by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Asker asked}        提问
{lang:Asker asked 2}<a href="       ">       </a> asked
{lang:Audio post}音频帖子
{lang:Aw This Tumblr isnt following anyone}唉。这个 Tumblr 用户没有关注任何人。
{lang:Back to top}回到顶端
{lang:Blog comments powered by Disqus}博客评论由 Disqus 提供支持
{lang:Blog comments powered by Disqus 2}<a href="http://disqus.com" class="dsq-brlink">博客评论由 <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span> 提供支持</a>
{lang:Browse the archive}浏览历史帖子
{lang:By PostAuthorName}       
{lang:By PostAuthorName 2}By <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Chat post}对话帖子
{lang:Check out the Tumblr app}查看 Tumblr 应用。
{lang:Click for high-res photo}以高分辨率查看
{lang:Continue reading}继续阅读
{lang:CurrentPage of TotalPages}        中的        
{lang:CurrentPage of TotalPages 2}        <em>中的</em>        
{lang:Dismiss engagement popover}哇啊啊,我不要
{lang:Download this track}下载此曲目
{lang:Earlier posts}较早的帖子
{lang:Engagement popover button}多完美
{lang:Engagement popover title}看到了吧,应用在这里完美施展。
{lang:Filed under}归档于
{lang:Follow me}关注我
{lang:Follow on Tumblr}在 Tumblr 上关注
{lang:Follow on Twitter}在 Twitter 上关注
{lang:Found SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}找到                个搜索结果
{lang:Found SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}找到 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的         个搜索结果
{lang:Get the RSS}获取 RSS
{lang:Get the app}获取应用程序
{lang:Group members}小组成员
{lang:High-res photo}高分辨率图片
{lang:Incredible This Tumblr doesnt like anything}不可想象!这个 Tumblr 用户啥都不喜欢。
{lang:Install this theme}安装此主题
{lang:It has NoteCount notes}它有         条热度
{lang:It has NoteCount notes and 0 comments}它有         条热度以及 <a href="       #disqus_thread" class="comments_link">0 条评论</a>
{lang:Join Tumblr}加入 Tumblr
{lang:Keep reading}继续阅读
{lang:Later posts}较晚的帖子
{lang:Latest Tweets}最新推文
{lang:Learn more}了解更多
{lang:Liked posts}喜欢的帖子
{lang:Liked posts on Tumblr}在 Tumblr 上喜欢了帖子
{lang:Liked posts on Tumblr 2}在 <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/">Tumblr</a> 上喜欢了帖子
{lang:Link post}链接帖子
{lang:Load more posts}加载更多帖子
{lang:Meditate for a while on this empty Tumblr}在这个空无一物的 Tumblr 博客里冥想一会儿吧。
{lang:Mobile version}移动版
{lang:More liked posts}更多喜欢的帖子
{lang:More you might like}更多你可能喜欢的内容
{lang:My blog}我的博客
{lang:Neat This Tumblr doesnt like anything}牛!这个 Tumblr 用户啥都不喜欢。
{lang:Newer entries}较新的条目
{lang:Newer posts}较新的帖子
{lang:Next day}后一天
{lang:Next page}下一页
{lang:Next post}下一个帖子
{lang:No likes Sheesh}没点过喜欢!切!
{lang:No likes here Just a howling wind}这里没有喜欢。只有呼啸的风。
{lang:No more posts}没有更多帖子
{lang:No posts containing SearchQuery}没有包含         的帖子
{lang:No posts containing SearchQuery 2}没有包含 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的帖子
{lang:No posts found}没有找到帖子
{lang:No results for SearchQuery}没有         的搜索结果
{lang:No results for SearchQuery 2}没有 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的搜索结果
{lang:No results found}没有找到结果
{lang:No search results for SearchQuery}没有         的搜索结果
{lang:No search results for SearchQuery 2}没有 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的搜索结果
{lang:Nope this Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}没,这个 Tumblr 用户没关注任何人。
{lang:Older entries}较旧的条目
{lang:Older posts}较旧的帖子
{lang:Open In App CTA A}在应用里查看
{lang:Open In App CTA B}在应用里查看        
{lang:Open In App CTA C}查看此 Tumblr 博客的其余部分
{lang:Open In App CTA D}查看         的整个 Tumblr 博客
{lang:Open In App CTA E}你已经卷动到这么底下了。查看其余部分吧。
{lang:Open In App CTA F}关注这个 Tumblr 博客
{lang:Open in app}在应用程序中打开
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootName}原贴来自        
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootName 2}Originally from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootTitle}原贴来自        
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootTitle 2}Originally from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Page CurrentPage of TotalPages}        页中的第        
{lang:Page CurrentPage of TotalPages 2}        页<em>中的</em>第        
{lang:People I follow}我关注的人
{lang:Permalink for this post}此帖的固定链接
{lang:Photo post}图片帖子
{lang:Photoset post}图片集帖子
{lang:Pinned Post}置顶的帖子
{lang:Played PlayCount times}已播放        
{lang:Plink The sound of no likes}*噗噜*(这是没有喜欢的声音)
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName}               转发
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName 2}<a href="       ">       </a> reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName with NoteCount notes}               转发了此帖并带有         条热度
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName with NoteCount notes 2}<a href="       ">       </a> reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle}               转发
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle with NoteCount notes}               转发了此帖并带有         条热度
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName}               转发
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName with NoteCount notes}               转发了此帖并带有         条热度
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle}               转发
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle with NoteCount notes}               转发了此帖并带有         条热度
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun with NoteCount notes}        并有         条热度
{lang:PostTypeNoun with NoteCount notes 2}<a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:Posted TimeAgo}发布了        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo by PostAuthorName}        发布了        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo by PostAuthorName 2}Posted         by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Posted TimeAgo from source}Posted         from        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo with NoteCount notes}Posted         with         notes
{lang:Posted TimeAgo with NoteCount notes and PlayCount plays}Posted         with         notes and         plays
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime}发布于        
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime 2}Posted at <span class="date_string">       </span>
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime 3}Posted at <a href="       " class="date_string">       </a>
{lang:Posted by PostAuthorName}        发布
{lang:Posted by PostAuthorName 2}Posted by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfMonth Month Year}Posted on                ,        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year}Posted on        ,                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year}Posted on        ,                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix}Posted on                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">                       </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">                       </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix Year}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                ,        </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek the DayOfMonthWithSuffix of Month Year at FormattedTime}发布于                              
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year}Posted on                ,        
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year with NoteCount notes}Posted on                ,         with         notes
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year with NoteCount notes 2}Posted on <a href="       ">               ,        </a> with         notes
{lang:Posts Nah}帖子?没有哦。
{lang:Posts tagged Tag}带有标签         的帖子
{lang:Posts tagged Tag 2}Posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Posts tagged Tag 3}Posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       ">       </a>
{lang:Powered by Tumblr}由 Tumblr 提供支持
{lang:Powered by Tumblr 2}由 <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/">Tumblr</a> 提供支持
{lang:Prev post}上一个帖子
{lang:Previous day}前一天
{lang:Previous page}上一页
{lang:Previous post}上一个帖子
{lang:Quote post}引用帖子
{lang:RSS feed}RSS 摘要
{lang:Random post}随机帖子
{lang:Read more}阅读更多
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentName}        转发了        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentName 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentTitle}        转发了        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentTitle 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootName}        转发了        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootName 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootTitle}        转发了        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootTitle 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from}转发来自
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentName}        转发
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentName 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentTitle}        转发
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentTitle 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootName}        转发
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootName 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootTitle}        转发
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootTitle 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Recent comments}最近评论
{lang:Recently Liked}最近喜欢
{lang:Related Posts}相关帖子
{lang:Search keywords}搜索关键词
{lang:Search results for SearchQuery}        的搜索结果
{lang:Search results for SearchQuery 2}<span class="search_query">       </span> 的搜索结果
{lang:SearchResultCount results}        个结果
{lang:SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}               个搜索结果
{lang:SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}<span class="search_query">       </span> 的         个搜索结果
{lang:See more}查看更多
{lang:See more posts}查看更多帖子
{lang:See more posts like this on Tumblr}在 Tumblr 上查看更多这样的帖子
{lang:See more stuff I like}查看更多我喜欢的内容
{lang:See this in the app}在应用里查看
{lang:Send email}发送电子邮件
{lang:Send me an email}给我发送一封电子邮件
{lang:Send us an email}给我们发送一封电子邮件
{lang:Share this}分享这个
{lang:Short URL}短网址
{lang:Short URL for this post}此帖的短网址
{lang:Show all posts made on this day}显示当天所有帖子
{lang:Show more}显示更多
{lang:Showing SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}显示                个搜索结果
{lang:Showing SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}显示 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的         个搜索结果
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag}显示         个带有标签         的帖子
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 2}Showing         posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 3}Showing         posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag}显示带有标签         的帖子
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag 2}Showing posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag 3}Showing posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Sorry no posts found}对不起,没有找到帖子
{lang:Sorry no results for SearchQuery}对不起,没有         的搜索结果
{lang:Sorry no results for SearchQuery 2}对不起,没有 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的搜索结果
{lang:Sorry no search results found}对不起,没有找到搜索结果
{lang:Stuff I like}我喜欢的内容
{lang:Submitted By}        提交
{lang:Subscribe via RSS}通过 RSS 订阅
{lang:Swoosh No likes}呼!没有喜欢!
{lang:Ta-da No likes}嗒嗒!没有喜欢!
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag}        个带有标签         的帖子
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 2}        posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 3}        posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Tagged with}已标为
{lang:Text post}文字帖子
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt follow anything except for its own rules}这个 Tumblr 用户不关注别人,我行我素。
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt like anything yet}这个 Tumblr 用户什么都还没喜欢。
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt really follow anything}这个 Tumblr 用户才不“关注”任何东西呢。
{lang:This Tumblr has hardly any posts None at all in fact}这个 Tumblr 博客基本上没有帖子。\n其实,是根本没有帖子。
{lang:This Tumblr has never met a post it didnt not like}这个 Tumblr 用户还没遇到过一个喜欢的帖子。
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt followed any other Tumblrs}这个 Tumblr 用户还没有关注任何其他的 Tumblr 用户。
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt liked any posts yet}这个 Tumblr 用户还没有喜欢任何帖子。
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt liked anything yet How very intriguing}这个 Tumblr 用户还没喜欢过任何内容。真有趣。
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt made any posts}这个 Tumblr 用户还没有发任何帖子。
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt posted anything}这个 Tumblr 博客还没有发布任何东西。
{lang:This Tumblr is content-free}这个 Tumblr 博客没有内容。
{lang:This Tumblr is cool but empty}这个 Tumblr 博客很酷,不过是空的。
{lang:This cool Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}这个酷毙了的 Tumblr 用户没关注任何人。
{lang:This far-out Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}这个不走寻常路的 Tumblr 用户没关注任何人。
{lang:This fiercely independent Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}这个特立独行的 Tumblr 用户没关注任何人。
{lang:This minimalist Tumblr has no posts}这个极简主义的 Tumblr 博客没有任何帖子。
{lang:This post has NoteCount notes}此帖有         条热度
{lang:This post has NoteCount notes from other Tumblr users}此帖有来自其他 Tumblr 用户的         条热度
{lang:This silly Tumblr hasnt posted anything yet}这个呆萌的 Tumblr 用户还没有发布任何内容。
{lang:This was posted TimeAgo}此帖发布于        
{lang:TimeAgo with NoteCount notes}        with         notes
{lang:TimeAgo with NoteCount notes and PlayCount plays}        with         notes and         plays
{lang:Tired of seeing ads here?}不想在这里看到广告了吗?
{lang:To the future}前往未来
{lang:To the past}前往过去
{lang:Top Photos}最热图片
{lang:Tweet this}推这个
{lang:Video post}视频帖子
{lang:View comments}查看评论
{lang:View comments for this post}查看此帖的评论
{lang:View high resolution}以高分辨率查看
{lang:View notes for this post}查看此帖的热度
{lang:View the discussion thread}查看讨论串
{lang:Viewing everything posted on Month DayOfMonth Year}Viewing everything posted on                ,        
{lang:Wow This Tumblr hasnt liked anything ever}哇!这个 Tumblr 用户还没喜欢过任何内容。
{lang:You scrolled this far}你已经刷了这么远了。
{lang:Your search for SearchQuery returned SearchResultCount results}你对         的搜索返回了         个结果
{lang:Your search for SearchQuery returned SearchResultCount results 2}你对 <span class="search_query">       </span> 的搜索返回了         个结果
{lang:and wave them goodbye.}并向它们告别。
{lang:iOS rating numbers}27.7 万个评价