Localizing themes

Localized theme strings allow your theme to appear in every language Tumblr supports. Simply replace any words or phrases in your theme with the appropriate variables below. The full text will be output in the language designated in the blog's settings.

Ideally, no language-specific writing should appear in Tumblr themes. Wherever possible, use the localized theme strings below and theme variables that include labels or phrases (eg. {PlayCountWithLabel} and {NoteCountWithLabel}).

Please avoid graphics and assets that include language specific text. You can use the following language blocks when you need extra control: {block:English}, {block:NotEnglish}, {block:German}, {block:NotGerman},{block:PortuguesePT}, etc.

Currently supported languages are: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Portuguese (PT), Portuguese (BR), Dutch, and Korean.

Note: You can adjust text capitalization using CSS' text-transform property and wrap inserted values with the :before and :after pseudo-selectors (e.g. .search_query:before { content:'“'; } and .search_query:after { content:'”'; }).

{lang:About}À propos
{lang:About me}À propos
{lang:Ads like this keep Tumblr free.}Les publicités comme celle-ci permettent la gratuité de Tumblr.
{lang:All of Tumblr}Tout Tumblr
{lang:Amazing This Tumblr doesnt like anything}C'est incroyable ! Ce Tumblr n'aime rien !
{lang:Android rating numbers}1,5 million d'évaluations
{lang:Answered}        a répondu
{lang:Apparently this Tumblr is hard to please}Ce Tumblr semble difficile à satisfaire.
{lang:Asked by Asker}Question de        
{lang:Asked by Asker 2}Asked by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Asker asked}        a demandé
{lang:Asker asked 2}<a href="       ">       </a> asked
{lang:Audio post}Billet audio
{lang:Aw This Tumblr isnt following anyone}La liste d'abonnements de ce Tumblr est vide.
{lang:Back to top}Retour en haut
{lang:Blog comments powered by Disqus}Les commentaires de ce blog sont propulsés par Disqus
{lang:Blog comments powered by Disqus 2}<a href="http://disqus.com" class="dsq-brlink">Les commentaires de ce blog sont propulsés par <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>
{lang:Browse the archive}Afficher les archives
{lang:By PostAuthorName}Par        
{lang:By PostAuthorName 2}By <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Chat post}Billet discussion
{lang:Check out the Tumblr app}Voyez en plus dans l'application Tumblr !
{lang:Click for high-res photo}Afficher en haute définition
{lang:Continue reading}Continuer la lecture
{lang:CurrentPage of TotalPages}        sur        
{lang:CurrentPage of TotalPages 2}        <em>sur</em>        
{lang:Dismiss engagement popover}Beurk !
{lang:Download this track}Télécharger ce morceau
{lang:Earlier posts}Billets précédents
{lang:Engagement popover button}Cool
{lang:Engagement popover title}C'est justement à ça que l'application sert.
{lang:Filed under}Classé dans
{lang:Follow me}Suivez-moi
{lang:Follow on Tumblr}Suivre sur Tumblr
{lang:Follow on Twitter}Suivre sur Twitter
{lang:Found SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}        résultats trouvés pour        
{lang:Found SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}        résultats trouvés pour <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:Get the RSS}Afficher le flux RSS
{lang:Get the app}Télécharger l'appli
{lang:Group members}L'équipe de rédaction
{lang:High-res}Haute définition
{lang:High-res photo}Photo HD
{lang:Incredible This Tumblr doesnt like anything}C'est dur à croire, mais ce Tumblr n'a aucun coup de cœur.
{lang:Install this theme}Installer ce thème
{lang:It has NoteCount notes}Ce billet a         notes
{lang:It has NoteCount notes and 0 comments}Ce billet a         notes et <a href="       #disqus_thread">0 commentaire</a>
{lang:Join Tumblr}Inscrivez-vous sur Tumblr
{lang:Keep reading}Afficher davantage
{lang:Later posts}Billets suivants
{lang:Latest Tweets}Tweets récents
{lang:Learn more}En savoir plus
{lang:Liked posts}Vos coups de cœur
{lang:Liked posts on Tumblr}Mes coups de cœur Tumblr
{lang:Liked posts on Tumblr 2}Mes coups de cœur <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/">Tumblr</a>
{lang:Likes}Coups de cœur
{lang:Link post}Billet lien
{lang:Load more posts}Charger plus de billets
{lang:Meditate for a while on this empty Tumblr}Ce Tumblr est vide. Méditez un peu là-dessus.
{lang:Mobile version}Version mobile
{lang:More liked posts}Plus de coups de cœur...
{lang:More you might like}Vous aimerez aussi
{lang:My blog}Mon blog
{lang:Neat This Tumblr doesnt like anything}Ce Tumblr est Parisien ! Il n'aime rien !
{lang:Newer}Plus récent
{lang:Newer entries}Articles récents
{lang:Newer posts}Billets récents
{lang:Next day}Jour suivant
{lang:Next page}Page suivante
{lang:Next post}Billet suivant
{lang:No likes Sheesh}Pas un seul coup de cœur ! Bouuuh !
{lang:No likes here Just a howling wind}Aucun coup de cœur ici. C'est le néant total.
{lang:No more posts}Aucun billet à afficher
{lang:No posts containing SearchQuery}Aucun billet contenant        
{lang:No posts containing SearchQuery 2}Aucun billet contenant le mot <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:No posts found}Aucun billet trouvé
{lang:No results for SearchQuery}Aucun résultat pour le mot :        
{lang:No results for SearchQuery 2}Aucun résultat pour le mot : <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:No results found}Aucun résultat trouvé
{lang:No search results for SearchQuery}Aucun résultat pour le mot :        
{lang:No search results for SearchQuery 2}Aucun résultat pour le mot : <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:Nope this Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}Ce Tumblr ne suit personne.
{lang:Older}Plus ancien
{lang:Older entries}Articles anciens
{lang:Older posts}Billets anciens
{lang:Open In App CTA A}Voir dans l'application
{lang:Open In App CTA B}Voir         dans l'application
{lang:Open In App CTA C}Voir le reste de ce Tumblr
{lang:Open In App CTA D}Voir le Tumblr entier de        
{lang:Open In App CTA E}Vous aimez ce vous voyez ? Regardez le reste !
{lang:Open In App CTA F}Suivre ce Tumblr
{lang:Open in app}Ouvrir dans l'application
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootName}Billet original de        
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootName 2}Originally from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootTitle}Billet original de        
{lang:Originally from ReblogRootTitle 2}Originally from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Page CurrentPage of TotalPages}Page         sur        
{lang:Page CurrentPage of TotalPages 2}Page         <em>sur</em>        
{lang:People I follow}Mes blogs préférés
{lang:Permalink for this post}Permalien du billet
{lang:Photo post}Billet photo
{lang:Photoset post}Billet diaporama
{lang:Pinned Post}Billet épinglé
{lang:Played PlayCount times}Joué         fois
{lang:Plink The sound of no likes}Passez votre chemin. Il n'y a aucun coup de cœur ici.
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName}        reblogué depuis        
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName 2}<a href="       ">       </a> reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName with NoteCount notes}        reblogué depuis         avec         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentName with NoteCount notes 2}<a href="       ">       </a> reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle}        reblogué depuis        
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle with NoteCount notes}        reblogué depuis         avec         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogParentTitle with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName}        reblogué depuis        
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName with NoteCount notes}        reblogué depuis         avec         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootName with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle}        reblogué depuis        
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle with NoteCount notes}        reblogué depuis         avec         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun reblogged from ReblogRootTitle with NoteCount notes 2}        reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun with NoteCount notes}        avec         notes
{lang:PostTypeNoun with NoteCount notes 2}<a href="       ">       </a> with         notes
{lang:Posted TimeAgo}Publié        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo by PostAuthorName}Publié         par        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo by PostAuthorName 2}Posted         by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Posted TimeAgo from source}Posted         from        
{lang:Posted TimeAgo with NoteCount notes}Posted         with         notes
{lang:Posted TimeAgo with NoteCount notes and PlayCount plays}Posted         with         notes and         plays
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime}Publié à        
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime 2}Posted at <span class="date_string">       </span>
{lang:Posted at FormattedTime 3}Posted at <a href="       " class="date_string">       </a>
{lang:Posted by PostAuthorName}Publié par        
{lang:Posted by PostAuthorName 2}Posted by <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfMonth Month Year}Posted on                ,        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year}Posted on        ,                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek DayOfMonth Month Year 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year}Posted on        ,                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                        </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix}Posted on                        
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix 2}Posted on <span class="date_string">                       </span>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix 3}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">                       </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonthWithSuffix Year}Posted on <a href="/day/       /       /       " class="date_string">       ,                ,        </a>
{lang:Posted on DayOfWeek the DayOfMonthWithSuffix of Month Year at FormattedTime}Publié                         à        
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year}Posted on                ,        
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year with NoteCount notes}Posted on                ,         with         notes
{lang:Posted on Month DayOfMonth Year with NoteCount notes 2}Posted on <a href="       ">               ,        </a> with         notes
{lang:Posts Nah}Du contenu ? Vous n'en trouverez pas ici.
{lang:Posts tagged Tag}Billets étiquetés avec        
{lang:Posts tagged Tag 2}Posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Posts tagged Tag 3}Posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       ">       </a>
{lang:Powered by Tumblr}Hébergé par Tumblr
{lang:Powered by Tumblr 2}Hébergé par <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/">Tumblr</a>
{lang:Prev post}Billet préc.
{lang:Previous day}Jour précédent
{lang:Previous page}Page précédente
{lang:Previous post}Billet précédent
{lang:Quote post}Billet citation
{lang:RSS feed}RSS
{lang:Random}Au hasard
{lang:Random post}Billet au hasard
{lang:Read more}Afficher davantage
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentName}Reblogué         depuis        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentName 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentTitle}Reblogué         depuis        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogParentTitle 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootName}Reblogué         depuis        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootName 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootTitle}Reblogué         depuis        
{lang:Reblogged TimeAgo from ReblogRootTitle 2}Reblogged         from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from}Reblogué depuis
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentName}Reblogué depuis        
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentName 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentTitle}Reblogué depuis        
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogParentTitle 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootName}Reblogué depuis        
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootName 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootTitle}Reblogué depuis        
{lang:Reblogged from ReblogRootTitle 2}Reblogged from <a href="       ">       </a>
{lang:Reblogs}Billets reblogués
{lang:Recent comments}Commentaires récents
{lang:Recently Liked}Coups de cœur récents
{lang:Related Posts}Billets associés
{lang:Search keywords}Rechercher par mots-clés
{lang:Search results for SearchQuery}Résultats pour la recherche :        
{lang:Search results for SearchQuery 2}Résultats pour la recherche <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:SearchResultCount results}        résultats
{lang:SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}        résultats pour        
{lang:SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}        résultats pour <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:See more}Voir plus...
{lang:See more posts}Voir plus de billets
{lang:See more posts like this on Tumblr}Voir plus de billets similaires sur Tumblr
{lang:See more stuff I like}Voir plus de coups de cœur
{lang:See this in the app}Voir dans l'application
{lang:Send email}Contacter par e-mail
{lang:Send me an email}Me contacter
{lang:Send us an email}Nous contacter
{lang:Share this}Partager
{lang:Short URL}Adresse courte
{lang:Short URL for this post}Adresse courte du billet
{lang:Show all posts made on this day}Afficher tous les billets publiés à cette date
{lang:Show more}Afficher davantage
{lang:Showing SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery}Afficher les         résultats pour        
{lang:Showing SearchResultCount results for SearchQuery 2}Afficher les         résultats pour <span class="search_query">       </span>
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag}Voici les         billets étiquetés avec        
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 2}Showing         posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Showing TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 3}Showing         posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag}Liste des billets étiquetés avec        
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag 2}Showing posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:Showing posts tagged Tag 3}Showing posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Sorry no posts found}Désolé, aucun billet n'a été trouvé
{lang:Sorry no results for SearchQuery}Désolé, le mot         n'a donné aucun résultat
{lang:Sorry no results for SearchQuery 2}Désolé, le mot <span class="search_query">       </span> n'a donné aucun résultat
{lang:Sorry no search results found}Désolé, votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat
{lang:Stuff I like}Les billets que j'aime
{lang:Submitted By}Proposé par        
{lang:Subscribe via RSS}Suivre via RSS
{lang:Swoosh No likes}Aucun coup de cœur ! Nada !
{lang:Ta-da No likes}Tadaaaam ! Zéro coup de cœur !
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag}        billets étiquetés avec        
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 2}        posts tagged <span class="tag">       </span>
{lang:TagResultCount posts tagged Tag 3}        posts tagged <a href="/tagged/       " class="tag">       </a>
{lang:Tagged}Tags :
{lang:Tagged with}Tags :
{lang:Text post}Billet texte
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt follow anything except for its own rules}Ce Tumblr ne suit rien d'autre que ses propres règles.
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt like anything yet}Ce Tumblr n'a pas (encore) de coup de cœur.
{lang:This Tumblr doesnt really follow anything}Ce Tumblr ne suit absolument rien.
{lang:This Tumblr has hardly any posts None at all in fact}Ce Tumblr n'a pas beaucoup de billets. Il en a aucun, en fait...
{lang:This Tumblr has never met a post it didnt not like}Ce Tumblr n'est encore jamais tombé sur un billet qu'il aimait...
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt followed any other Tumblrs}Ce Tumblr n'est abonné à aucun Tumblr.
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt liked any posts yet}Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore aimé un seul billet.
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt liked anything yet How very intriguing}Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore de coup de cœur. C'est étonnant, vous ne trouvez pas ?
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt made any posts}Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore de billet.
{lang:This Tumblr hasnt posted anything}Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore publié de billet.
{lang:This Tumblr is content-free}Ce Tumblr est rempli de contenus invisibles à l'œil humain.
{lang:This Tumblr is cool but empty}Ce Tumblr est super, mais il est vide.
{lang:This cool Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}Ce Tumblr est super, mais il n'est abonné à aucun blog.
{lang:This far-out Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}Ce Tumblr n'est certainement pas un suiveur.
{lang:This fiercely independent Tumblr doesnt follow anyone}Ce Tumblr est très indépendant, il n'est abonné à aucun blog.
{lang:This minimalist Tumblr has no posts}Ce Tumblr minimaliste n'a aucun billet.
{lang:This post has NoteCount notes}Ce billet a         notes
{lang:This post has NoteCount notes from other Tumblr users}Ce billet a         notes
{lang:This silly Tumblr hasnt posted anything yet}Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore publié de billet.
{lang:This was posted TimeAgo}Billet publié        
{lang:TimeAgo with NoteCount notes}        with         notes
{lang:TimeAgo with NoteCount notes and PlayCount plays}        with         notes and         plays
{lang:Tired of seeing ads here?}Vous ne voulez plus voir de publicités à cet endroit ?
{lang:To the future}Vers le futur
{lang:To the past}Vers le passé
{lang:Top Photos}Photos populaires
{lang:Tweet this}Retweeter
{lang:Video post}Billet vidéo
{lang:View comments}Voir les commentaires
{lang:View comments for this post}Afficher les commentaires du billet
{lang:View high resolution}Afficher en haute définition
{lang:View notes for this post}Afficher les notes du billet
{lang:View the discussion thread}Afficher le fil de discussion
{lang:Viewing everything posted on Month DayOfMonth Year}Viewing everything posted on                ,        
{lang:Wow This Tumblr hasnt liked anything ever}Ouah ! Ce Tumblr n'a pas encore aimé un seul billet.
{lang:You scrolled this far}Vous aimez ce que vous voyez ?
{lang:Your search for SearchQuery returned SearchResultCount results}Votre recherche pour         a donné         résultats
{lang:Your search for SearchQuery returned SearchResultCount results 2}Votre recherche pour <span class="search_query">       </span> a donné         resultats
{lang:and wave them goodbye.}et dites-leur adieu à jamais.
{lang:iOS rating numbers}277 000 évaluations