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TD Pilot

TD Pilot

TD Pilot

Eye tracking for iPad

TD Pilot is an eye-controlled communication device for iPad. Designed to empower people with conditions such as ALS/MND, spinal cord injury or cerebral palsy to communicate and use their favourite apps, this iPadOS-based speech generating device features the world’s leading eye tracker.

Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot eye tracking enabled iPad
Multiple access methods icon

Multiple access methods

Partner Window icon

Partner Window

Outdoor eye tracking icon

Outdoor eye tracking

Powerful speakers icon

Powerful speakers

Assistive communication

TD Pilot provides native integration of eye tracking in iPadOS and has been certified to meet Apple performance standards. It enables communication and full use of iPad apps for people with disabilities, via eye control and other access methods.

TD Pilot is certified as a Made for iPad accessory
Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot speech generating device featuring Partner Window

Built for AAC

TD Pilot is a light, durable speech generating device designed for augmentative and alternative communication. It can be controlled via eye tracking in all kinds of lighting conditions, even outdoors. TD Pilot comes pre-loaded with AAC software to meet a range of communication needs, and projects your voice loud and clear thanks to powerful speakers. The device also offers a rear-facing Partner Window for more natural face-to-face conversations.

Built for iPadOS

TD Pilot is a medically certified, eye-controlled device for Apple’s iPadOS accessibility features, enabling tasks such as tapping or scrolling using your eyes, fingers or a switch. Enjoy all the content available on an iPad, including social media, games, entertainment, educational apps and more.

Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot speech generating device featuring iPadOS start page

Man using his eyes to control a computer

Built for eye control

Our newest eye tracker is based on 15+ years of research and testing across all types of ethnicities, disabilities, eyewear and lighting conditions, both indoors and outdoors. It offers precise eye gaze selection to quickly select screen targets, and the fastest recovery time if your eyes move outside of the tracking box.

What’s in the box?

  • iPad Pro 12.9
  • TD Pilot Base
  • TD Pilot Case
  • Charger with cable 
  • Connection cable USB-C to USB-C
  • Connection cable Lighting to USB-C
  • Pre-installed battery
  • Getting Started Guide
  • Training cards
  • Manual

Apps & software

TD Talk icon

TD Talk

A simple text-to-speech app that enables natural conversation using just your eyes or hands.

TD Snap icon

TD Snap

A symbol-supported AAC software offering a choice of solutions, complete with tools and resources.

TD CoPilot icon

TD CoPilot

A companion app to TD Pilot providing eye gaze calibration, software updates and battery status.

Communicate your way

Whether you’re a symbol-supported or literate communicator, our pre-installed software lets you start at any point on your journey then adjust to your changing needs.

Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot device featuring TD Talk app
TD Talk icon

TD Talk

Empowers literate adults to speak with their eyes or the touch of a button. Generates natural-sounding speech in a range of voices to help you sound more like yourself. Speeds up sentence construction to enable more active engagement in conversations.

TD Snap logo
TD Snap logo

TD Snap

Offers caregivers and professionals a choice of AAC solutions to meet the needs of symbol-supported communicators. Simplifies and enriches communication with a set of powerful tools and resources.

Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot device featuring TD Snap app

Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot device featuring TD CoPilot app
TD CoPilot icon

TD CoPilot

Helps manage the use of your TD Pilot for an optimal experience. Calibrates your eye tracker for accurate gaze control. Provides automatic device updates. Offers setting adjustments and battery level checks.

Additional apps & resources

myTobiiDynavox logo


A free, cloud-based resource for backing up customised Tobii Dynavox apps and sharing among your communication team.

Pathways for Core First logo

Pathways for Core First

A free companion app for TD Snap, packed with clear, simple advice to help you succeed with AAC.

Accessories included with TD Pilot

TD Pilot devices come with several accessories included in the box, which are also available to buy separately as spares or replacements.

TD Pilot Case

TD Pilot Case

Protect your iPad when it’s used as part of the TD Pilot device.

TD Pilot charger


Keep your battery charged and ready for all-day communication.

TD Pilot USB-C to USB-C connection cable

Connection Cables

Connect your iPad to the TD Pilot Base to enjoy full functionality.

TD Pilot mount plate

Mount Plate

Attach your TD Pilot to a wheelchair mount or stand.

Tobii Dynavox travel bag

Travel Bag

Enjoy extra protection with a soft-sided travel bag.

TD Pilot Battery

TD Pilot Battery

Stay charged and ready all the time with a TD Pilot battery.

Apple, iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Pro are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.