Times of Israel podcasts
Political correspondent Sam Sokol discusses submarine affair, heated Knesset debate; Arab affairs reporter Gianluca Pacchiani talks about Palestinian labor and Beirut airport
Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discusses Netanyahu's statements on aims of war against Hamas, fighting in north, argument with US and terrorist attack in Russia's Dagestan
Military reporter Emanuel Fabian on Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's 'critical' DC visit, drones targeting a major defense contractor and Eilat, and the status of fighting in Gaza
News editor Amy Spiro and host Amanda Borschel-Dan highlight eight individuals' stories from the hundreds of posts for those who have fallen in the Hamas onslaught and beyond
US bureau chief Jacob Magid discusses DC trip of PM's aides during latest kerfuffle with the White House, along with possible US sanctions against Smotrich and Tzav 9 group
Historian discusses how the definitions of the terms 'genocide' and 'Zionists' are usurped and cheapened in an effort to delegitimize the Jewish state during the war against Hamas
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