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Join information and communications technology (ICT) industry end-users, policymakers, technology providers, facility architects, and utility companies around the world to drive more efficient use of resources in data centers.

Through data collection and analysis, assessment of emerging technologies, and development of best practices for data center owner/operators, members play a pivotal role in advancing The Green Grid’s mission and creating innovative metrics and measurements for the entire ICT ecosystem.

As a member, you become an active voice in the industry’s response to ever-changing standards, technologies, and environments. In return, you can take advantage of The Green Grid’s many opportunities. If your company is already a member of The Green Grid, register for your account and get involved today.

For information or to apply for membership in The Green Grid, please send email to:  [email protected]

Join Benefit Collection 
Development of metrics, best practices, and research deliverables
Directly influence the development of industry-changing initiatives that improve operations, increase efficiency, and mitigate risk
Networking with key industry stakeholders
Build key business relationships with end-users, policymakers, technology providers, facility architects, and utilities who affect every part of the data center
Brand awareness and recognition
Demonstrate thought leadership and corporate social responsibility through technical projects and the association’s marketing efforts
Exclusive member-only resources
Gain access to the association’s extensive knowledge library including metrics, best practices, tools, and collaborative workspace