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ThaiHotline (Thai Hotline) is a hotline service for reporting illegal or harmful content induced by the cooperation of the Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand and the association of Thai Internet Service Providers under the concept of cooperation in monitoring contents or anything which maybe be dangerous for internet user by user community and services providers. When users found the illegal or harmful online contents, they can report to www.thaihotline.org then ThaiHotline team will coordinate with related agencies which consist of Internet Providers, Content Providers, Law Enforcement Agencies, Ministry of Digital Economic and Society including other child protection agencies to help the victims, take the action on contents, and take action against offenders. Together for a Safer Internet.
The Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand provides office space, personnel and equipment necessary for the operation of ThaiHotline with funding supported from external funding sources who interested in protection of children and youth, organizations that want to create a safe space for online use, people donate to support work of ThaiHotline.
Thaihotline receives the report of illegal content and content that is dangerous to society based on international standards of various countries including child abuse, child exploitation, deception, fraud, violation of privacy rights, defamation, financial crimes, gambling, drugs, pornographic or other immoral contrary to tradition and dangerous to the security of the country, etc. You can click to read the details of the types of content and topics that ThaiHotline has been notified and related agencies responsible for various topics on ThaiHotline website.
ThaiHotline does not accept reports of missing children, threats from mobile phones, Internet cafes / game shops that are not up to standard, etc. ThaiHotline has collected information of responsible agencies or worked in different issues. You may contact ThaiHotline team for advices.
You can click report button on ThaiHotline report page or by sending email to [email protected] or contact us by phone at 089 493 4893
After getting report of illegal or harmful online content, ThaiHotline content analyst will verify the information and then coordinate with related agencies, such as the authors of that data, web blogger, webmaster, web hosting, internet service providers, content providers, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society officials or Cyber Police to take action with the illegal/harmful content, help the victim (if any) and prosecuting offender.
Using online according to rules, etiquette, be careful with the negative information and bad person. Avoid risky behavior which will be illegal or violates others so we can stay safe online with good experience and learn something useful rather than being negative impact or being the victim of online threats. There are a lot of useful knowledge on our website including tips for staying safe online, knowledgeable laws, various public related materials and link to related website. You can click to find more details.
You can support the work of ThaiHotline by report illegal/harmful contents. You can also donate money to support the work of ThaiHotline by transferring money to saving account, account name Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand, Kasikorn Bank, Rangnam Branch, account number 052-2-77392-1