Accessibility and Disability Program

June 26, 2020

The Securities and Exchange Commission is committed to complying with Sections 501, 504, and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968. Under the Rehabilitation Act, the SEC must ensure equal opportunity for employees and applicants with disabilities, and also ensure that its programs and activities — including educational materials, public events, and information and computer technology (such as this website) — are accessible to people with disabilities. Under the Architectural Barriers Act, SEC buildings and facilities must be readily accessible to people with disabilities, including SEC employees and applicants with disabilities.

Individuals with disabilities can request an accommodation to allow participation in or benefit from SEC programs and activities that would not otherwise be accessible because of a disability.

Reasonable Accommodation for Participation in Job Application Process

If you are an applicant who needs a reasonable accommodation to participate in the application process at the SEC, please submit the form for Reasonable Accommodation for Participation in Job Application Process as soon as possible and at least five business days in advance of the date you need the requested accommodation, as feasible. Requests submitted less than five days in advance will be reviewed, but the timeframe for providing an accommodation may be impacted.

Reasonable Accommodation for Participation in SEC Programs and Activities

The SEC complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires generally that all SEC activities and programs be accessible to members of the public with disabilities. The SEC also complies with the Architectural Barriers Act, which requires SEC buildings and facilities be readily accessible to people with disabilities. The SEC ensures that individuals with disabilities can participate in and enjoy the benefits of all SEC operations and resources available to the public. This includes, for example, providing accessible educational materials and ensuring equal access to public meetings and other events.

A member of the public may request an accommodation related to an SEC facility, program, or activity by submitting the form for Reasonable Accommodation for Participation in SEC Programs or Activities. Requests should be made as soon as possible and at least 10 business days in advance of the date you need the requested accommodation, where feasible. Requests submitted less than 10 days in advance will be reviewed, but the ability to provide a requested accommodation may be impacted.

If you have any questions or want to provide any informal feedback about participation in SEC programs and activities, contact the SEC’s Disability Program Manager at [email protected]. The SEC appreciates all feedback in helping to make its facilities, programs, and activities as accessible as possible.

Access to SEC Facilities

The SEC complies with the Architectural Barriers Act. This law helps ensure that SEC employees, applicants for employment, and members of the public with disabilities can gain access to SEC buildings and facilities.

If you have any questions or want to provide any informal feedback about the accessibility of SEC Facilities, contact the SEC’s Disability Program Manager at [email protected]. The SEC appreciates feedback in helping make its facilities as accessible as possible.

Accessibility of SEC Information and Computer Technology

The SEC is committed to providing an excellent user experience regardless of disability. Many documents on the SEC website are in Portable Document Format (PDF). This format requires a browser plug-in for viewing. If this plug-in is not already installed on your computer, you can download the free Adobe Reader from for viewing PDF files. Changing Browser Text Size on the SEC website for guidance on making browser text larger.

The SEC frequently reviews this website to ensure that it meets or exceeds the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires that information and computer technology (ICT) be accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 requires that ICT developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to both employees and members of the public with disabilities.

If you believe you may need an accommodation because of a disability in order to access information on or to use this website or other SEC ICT, contact [email protected] to request one.

If you have general questions about the SEC’s compliance with Section 508 or if you wish to report web accessibility issues, contact the SEC Office of Information Technology at [email protected]. To help SEC address a specific issue, please include:

  • The nature of the accessibility problem
  • Your preferred format (electronic format, standard print, large print, etc.)
  • The web address (URL) of the requested material
  • Your contact information so we can reach you if we have questions

The SEC appreciates all feedback in helping make its website as accessible as possible.

Section 508 Program Manager

Sharvon Jones can answer any questions about our implementation of 508 policy or guidelines.

Filing an Accessibility Complaint

If you believe the SEC has not met the requirements of Section 504 or Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, please consider contacting [email protected] to reach an informal resolution. Alternatively, you may file a formal complaint within 180 days of the alleged violation. The complaint, which can be a written statement, an audio file, Braille, electronic, and/or a video should include:

  • Your name and address
  • The date
  • A detailed description of the issue
  • Your signature or the signature of someone authorized to do so on your behalf
  • Complaints in audio, Braille, electronic, and/or video formats should include an affirmative identity statement, which will be functionally equivalent to your signature
  • If the complaint is on behalf of a class of individuals with disabilities, the identities of those affected (if possible)

To file a formal complaint about a possible accessibility violation under Section 504 and/or Section 508, submit your complaint to the appropriate entity based on the nature of your concern:

504 Complaints: SEC Office of Equal Employment Opportunity 508 Complaints: SEC Section 508 Coordinator
[email protected] [email protected]
Securities and Exchange Commission
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, MS 2991
100 F St., NE
Washington, DC 20549
Securities and Exchange Commission
Section 508 Coordinator, MS 4203
100 F St., NE
Washington, DC 20549

If you file a complaint, the SEC will provide you with additional information related to the processing of your claim. Within 180 days of receiving a complaint, the SEC will respond, notifying you of the results of its investigation, including findings of fact and conclusions of law, whether a legal violation occurred, and how the SEC will remedy each violation (if any) that occurred. If you are not satisfied, you can submit an appeal of the decision within 90 days.

To file a formal complaint about a violation of the Architectural Barriers Act, submit your complaint to one or both of the following:

U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board SEC Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
[email protected] [email protected]
Compliance and Enforcement Section
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Access Board
1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004-1111
202-272-0081 (fax)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, MS 2991
100 F St., NE
Washington, DC 20549

If the SEC receives a complaint alleging that it violated the Architectural Barriers Act, it will forward the complaint to the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (the Access Board). If the SEC receives an Architectural Barriers Act complaint and believes that a different (non-SEC) entity is responsible for the alleged violation, it will inform you where you can file a complaint against the other entity (if known).

Alternate Methods for Contacting the SEC Disability Program

For information concerning the SEC Reasonable Accommodation Program, individuals may contact the Disability Program Officer (DPO) at [email protected].

You may contact the SEC Disability Program using Video Relay Service at 202-559-5087.

Additional Resources

For information about hiring flexibilities in the federal government related to persons with disabilities, see 5 C.F.R. § 213.3102(u) and SEC Disability Program.

For information about federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of disability, see information provided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

For information about how to file a complaint alleging employment-related discrimination, see SEC’s EEO page.

For detailed information about SEC’s Accommodation Procedures for employees and applicants for employment, see SEC’s policy.

For information about SEC’s Personal Assistance Services (PAS) policy, see SEC Disability Program.

For additional information about SEC’s complaint-filing and –processing procedures for individuals with disabilities who believe SEC has not met its obligations under Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act see SEC’s regulations.

For more information about standards and guidelines in effect under the Architectural Barriers Act and Section 508 Standards, see the U.S. Access Board website.

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024