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[L][21][M]Anyone up for a chat? I feel a bit down [L][21][M]Anyone up for a chat? I feel a bit down

Would like to talk about some important and some relatively less important stuff that bother me and make me a bit sad, but not in a very serious manner. Also, I'm bothered by things that might seem quite unrelated, but they are linked in an odd way. I just wanted to give heads up to anyone who would like to hear me out in advance so they don't get perplexed if the topic of the conversation changes suddenly.


[L]ooking - Bad Person, Need Advice From an Older Individual (30s, 40s, 50s) with Actual Wisedom [L]ooking - Bad Person, Need Advice From an Older Individual (30s, 40s, 50s) with Actual Wisedom

I tend to make a lot of mistakes. I need to change that. I'm terrible at navigating this world. One would even say I'm a very bad person.

Once I thought someone being older meant they were automatically wiser, but I have realized that your experiences play a much more important role in how mature you become.

I have seen how bloodthirsty human beings can be and I need someone to give me advice on how to navigate this world and not become a monster myself. Someone who also has seen the depravities of humanity themself and has not lived a cushy life. Someone who can give me advice based on first-hand experiences on how not to be consumed by the abyss.

Thank you in advance.

Today is my 19th Birthday and no one wished me, I have no friends 😕 [o] Today is my 19th Birthday and no one wished me, I have no friends 😕 [o]

I turned 19 today, last year of being a teen. Thinking about this makes me scared, and I am yet to make any friends. I had some high-school friends, but they also left me. I have only been in a relationship once, which also only lasted a year and had a breakup a few months ago. 😭

At least my parents wished me a happy birthday. 🎂 I baked myself a cup cake that I would eat myself with a small spoon and go to bed.

How does one celebrate their birthday alone? I honestly wish I had just a few friends with whom I could celebrate my birthday. But I think that will just remain a "wish."

Life isn't fair, I guess, for everyone. I am sorry for venting, and thank you so much for reading all this.

Hope you have a great day! 🫶💞

[I] want to be vu[L]nerable but I’m terrified. [I] want to be vu[L]nerable but I’m terrified.

I’m not here for sex, for romance, and for long.

I just need someone to talk to about something traumatic, preferably by call.

CW: Themes of adulthood, adultery, regret, SA, patriarchy, failure, relationships, tldr ng life story ko (I wish I was kidding)

I know there’s a stigma on “sad boys” or “pick me boys” - But just for tonight, I’d like to be able to express just how much pain I’m in. It kinda hurts when people imply that I’m edgy.. or weak.. or just plain inadequate.

I’m not trying to wear you down and guilt trip you with my trauma.. I just want to be seen.. if only for a little while.

About me: -I’m human, & I’ve done some evil in life, I’m not proud of it. -I’m sorry -I’m trying.. everyday.. -I’m sorry.

Shoot me a message if you’re willing to listen.. and I mean really listen.

[L] i need success stories [L] i need success stories

i’m in college right now and it’s like EVERYONE and i mean everyone is in a relationship or talking to someone. literally everyone around me. and i’m just lost. i don’t have much confidence in my looks and even when i do try and look presentable it always comes unraveled and i just look terrible again. i have certain natural unadjustable features that make me just look awful. so i already have close to 0 confidence and also cannot believe any woman would like me especially when literally every man outshines me. i also just don’t know where to start- i was raised in a super conservative culture so dating was never even talked about and actively discouraged. even couples at my high school were pretty rare. suddenly then i was dropped into the real world and it seems everyone has someone. everyone has someone that finds them attractive and loves them. i feel so alone, not just dating wise but also in the senses that i’m the only single one out of people i know. it just sucks- i know i’m capable of romance and i know on the inside i’m a great person that will treat a girl as best i can, it’s just nothing has come close to materializing. ive heard all the phrases. “just wait and focus on school, not girls” but ive done that my whole life and while i’m happy ive done well in school i’m also so lonely. “it just happens naturally” ive put myself in tons of positions where it could happen but it hasn’t. “don’t be desperate” i haven’t been for a while, i just went with the flow. but i’m human and every human needs love. so i need success stories from people like me, or just pick me ups.

[L] All I wanted was reassuring [L] All I wanted was reassuring

You know how in tv shows and stuff when people are sick or something, a friend puts a hand on them and says, "I know it's going to be okay". Something like that would be nice.

I am that guy that help everyone as often as I can but when something goes wrong for me everyone goes missing. I am autistic and I know I can be difficult at times, so I try extra hard to be helpful. Now my knee seems to have something seriously wrong with it and I am very scared. One person called my mom and in passing asked about me when she told them I had an MRI today. No one took time to call, text or visit me. Guess they didn't need anything from me. Even when I told my mom I was leaving for the MRI she just waved because she was on the phone. I have been crying from fear most of the day (and some from pain).

Could someone just tell me I am going to be okay? I know you don't know me, but it would be nice to read it and pretend.

[L] M36 Germany - please… Just let me know what to do to make it another day [L] M36 Germany - please… Just let me know what to do to make it another day

I am traveling to Berlin to do an audition recording for new submissions to agencies and opera houses. I just made it to the city, when I found out that my credit card debt was too far in the red to be excepted. I am trying to live extremely frugally, but with everything that has to come with trying to fucking find a job, it’s almost impossible.

This isn’t Germany to me. It is a hodgepodge of old German, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, and the number of other languages I still can’t understand for the bother to deal with right now.

You see me on the street, carrying my microphone stand and my backpack and my luggage with all my equipment, you might see a bald individual with a really solid face… that’s because I’m autistic, and I am one of the unfortunate ones that has a Wooden face. Underneath my bald head and my goatee and my expression… I am straight up crying, not wanting to be here! And I’m only here for one purpose in the afternoon, then I’m stuck here until tomorrow morning. The city brings up a lot of good AND bad memories from the first time I ever visited this place in 2019. It wafts over me like a cruel Summer breeze, as if I were in an oven getting my fat ass cooked off in a slow and merciless process

I really don’t want to say why I’m feeling so miserable on this post, but I would love to find someone kind enough to speak to me for a little bit on my off time this afternoon so that I can vent . I feel so lost

[18M] looking for genuine people to talk to! [o] [18M] looking for genuine people to talk to! [o]

Hello my name is Nathan fernando 18m from Australia, I’m here looking for some new people to meet people that are genuine… tbh feel like many people nowadays just ain’t genuine and it’s pretty crap so I just wanna meet people who are willing to talk and have a good time people who are just themselves and chill!! About me: love sports, history and watching movies and reading here to meet people who are likeminded and btw I am a devout Christian so if that’s a problem then don’t bother talking other than that feel free to talk!! Can’t wait to meet y’all ✌️🙏

[L] 29F - could use a kind and validating voice regarding abusers [L] 29F - could use a kind and validating voice regarding abusers

I recently read some messages between them all (immediate blood relation) and they all believe that I owe them an apology. For being abused. By them.

No apologies or acknowledgment from them for abusing me. They’re narcissistic and refuse to accept any idea that they are bad people. Even though they know they do terrible things.

They got off on the power trip of hurting me when I was a kid because I was vulnerable and kind. Whenever they were stressed or angry about anything, they would find me and hurt me. Because I would cry and scream to their satisfaction. Causing me pain satisfied them.

I could use some validation. Even something to make me angry at them again. I refuse to be their victim again.

[O] tell me what’s on your mind, what’s bothering you? (17f) [O] tell me what’s on your mind, what’s bothering you? (17f)

Hello! I’ve been always of the type who prefer to listen so, I’m here, I promise not to judge you, I’m here just to try to help if I can in any way shape or form what I like are books, languages, and music, and cute animals. But what I love, are languages, so please tell me if you don’t feel like talking about your problems in this exact moment, what is your native language?

But, if you do want to let your emotions out, just say, no need for small talk or whatever, I’m here, and it remains between us. I’m here for you and I will try to help you solve it, or if you just want to be listened, I’m here.

[L] 6 weeks after break up depression is all consuming [L] 6 weeks after break up depression is all consuming

My girlfriend and I broke up after almost 3 years together April 27th. We had talked about children before and she said it wasn't off the table. Then she thought she was pregnant and freaked out. She ended up not being, but decided she never wanted children. When she told me that I broke down into tears, a few days later we broke up. I have been overwhelmed with sadness ever since. All I want to do is run back over to her place to try and beg her to take me back. I know that road leads to no family though, so I've stayed away. Plus it's been over a month and she might not even take me back. I have a hard time focusing on anything right now, my job is competitive auto sales and I've struggled with my numbers ever since. I go to therapy once a week and it does help, but the moment I leave any clarity I've gained disappears. I tried going out on a couple dates and all I did was compare them to her in my mind. I feel so sorry for myself, I keep mourning the loss of this life with her that never will be. I've broken down into tears so many times over it. It's over a month and a half into this and I just do not see how I feel changing. I do not feel like I'm getting any better, I feel as though it's getting worse.

[L] I need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I don’t feel ok or stable and don’t where else I can turn cuz I can’t talk to anyone in my life about it [L] I need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I don’t feel ok or stable and don’t where else I can turn cuz I can’t talk to anyone in my life about it

28f: I have depression, panic disorder, adhd, and chronic pain from benign tumor clusters in legs and lower back.

I feel like I’ve been on the verge of a panic attack for the last month since a family incident, but now I’m extra extra extra distraught bc my love asked for some time and space to think about if they want the relationship or not.

I feel like I had been stuck and was starting to look up recently (starting to make doc appts, was nervous about summer hours for work and just offered full time gig.. had been having more pain and was being supported to look into surgery to relieve it).

I have to work overnights this week and I can’t let myself feel anything during these next long days and I know I can’t handle it alone and feel like I’m about to start crying everytime I do have a second to myself.

I don’t want to talk to family because it might turn out OK and be for nothing and I want them to love him as much as ever; and even if I had friends close enough for this sorta thing I never cried to any I do have and also don’t want them to feel weird if it all gets resolved like nothing. I can’t even be home these next days but I will have lots of random hours not directly involved working with other people and I need someone to let it all out. I Feel like it sounds so selfish but maybe it’s ok for this sub, I don’t know & im sorry if it’s not

I can’t stop crying. I can message if easier or call sometimes but I love him so much and I’m so scared I don’t want to imagine losing him right now or ever and I just can’t stop hyperfixating on it.

Advice before I let my eating disorder ruin my life for good. [O] Advice before I let my eating disorder ruin my life for good. [O]

I've been battling an eating disorder for about a year (became really perfectionistic about counting calories to the extreme), and it's about to ruin my life for good. During the last fall semester of freshman year in college I got anorexia due to injuring my wrist and hip and being unable to do any exercise but walking, and got even more paranoid about getting fat. That turned into binge eating constantly, and I managed to barely survive this semester. Throughout this time, I've gotten therapy sometimes multiple times a week, had so much help from my parents (emotional and financially; they've been incredibly supportive and spent so much money trying to help me). I've met with a nutritionist, I've gotten rid of food content for some time, stopped driving myself, and done tons of self reflection. I've even been doing self hypnosis. I've read every self discipline advice and have lots of knowledge, but in the end it can't seem to help me. Finally, my leg hip injury still bothers me considerably and hasn't seemed to really improve.

However, the food thoughts haven't gone away. I have a decent body fat percentage (though my parents say I look fine) and need to lose this weight fast before school starts in 2 months. I'm on an ROTC scholarship and need to have this taken care of by then, it seriously disrupted that. I am getting back from a 2 week trip to Japan with my Dad, and realized that the calories added up regardless and I allowed myself to overeat/binge at breakfast and lunch buffets today, because I wasn't feeling "in it" and was just thinking about food so much, and because I feel like I really failed (my chest fat is unbearable and it'll take a good bit more time to get rid of; haven't made any real progress). I already have plans of binging when I get back.

I feel pretty bad about this, but nothing seems to work for good. The thoughts are too strong, and I'm tired of feeling decent (or even just in control despite strong urges, or having it be tough but manageable). I was supposed to not eat lunch today but the hunger pang was too strong. My injuries aren't healed nor is my digestion, and since my weight has stagnated I'm not in a great places for fall. I guess I have to drop everything I've worked hard for because I need to binge.

Any advice on how to potentially beat this would be appreciated. I'm kinda hopeless right now.

I cant stop thinking of my ex-girlfriend [l] I cant stop thinking of my ex-girlfriend [l]

I can't stop thinking of my ex. Weather im at work, at the gym, listening to music, playing a video game. I cant get her out of my fucking head. I cant stop thinking about her and the relationship we had. I cant fucking stop and its driving me insane. Everytime i see a tiktok about getting married, or being in love, or having a family, or being a dad or any of the dumb fucking relationship trends. I cant fucking stand it. I wanted that. That was my goal.

No one can match the standard she set. She was just so fucking good man, and i doubt anyone will be able to top that or better than her, and if they are better then i doubt ill met them. Her personality, her voice, her smile, her face, her body. I cant fucking live with these unending thoughts of my ex and i cant get the thoughts to fucking quite down.

Were still friends, and everytime we facetime I get to act like its last year when we ft'd every night and i get to just feel somewhat okay. We both talk about how misreable we are, how much better life was we were together, how much we miss being together, how much we miss life in general. And no, we cant get back together. She has a boyfriend and we dont live near each other. But fuck man. Its not like this is a one sided street. We both talk about how any time we see a snapchat memory or old photo, we feel damn near sickened. A few days ago she was like "make sure to tell the next girl that you date that if you breakup she can never be happy again". I mentioned how she set the standered so high I can be happy with anything less and its almost impossible to top, and she was like yeah exact same feeling (which is fair enough because I am just fucking better, best boyfriend on the planet ngl). And at the same time i will feel jealous of her, because her life is going so much better than mine but shes always like yeah it seems that way but she feels just as misreable as me. Like its so bad i cant even fucking gerk it. Like i dont do that anyways, but i couldnt even if i wanted to

I hate this feeling. Finished working out, got out of work, ate my calories for the day, now to rot in bed for the next 7 hours!

I cant be happy single. I know thats bad but thats how it is. And i wont be able to find anyone i wanna date. Its so gover.

[L] My girlfriend just told me she's been 'faking a lot of stuff' [L] My girlfriend just told me she's been 'faking a lot of stuff'

This is not the first time she has said things like this. Growing up I've been through a few traumas of my own, and one of it's losing people to death, to misunderstanding, or just for no reason. Didn't feel loved by anyone except occasionally by my family. Always felt not needed, not wanted. Now whenever she says things like that, it just makes me feel like before, but even worse: because for my naive soul wants to hope and heal. I thought she was the kindest voice in my life, but maybe she is just like any other cruel voices I've heard. But I really can't take it anymore. What's the point if it's all a zero sum game? Why am I even trying hard to be alive and optimistic?

[o] 23M - Welcome to the Vent Box: A safe space to let it all out
u/[deleted] avatar[deleted]
[o] 23M - Welcome to the Vent Box: A safe space to let it all out

Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or just need to release some pent-up emotions? The Vent Box is here for you. This is your judgment-free zone to vent, cry, or express your anger—it’s all welcome here. Sometimes, letting it all out can be the first step towards feeling better. So, go ahead, pour your heart out, and know that you’re not alone. I’m here to listen, support, and offer a virtual shoulder to lean on. Take a deep breath, and let the healing begin.

[O][M] “In The Darkness, In The Worst Of It, In The Absence Of Light And Hope, We Sing." [O][M] “In The Darkness, In The Worst Of It, In The Absence Of Light And Hope, We Sing."

Hi, hey.

In the past I’ve been in some mentally bad places, no fun, but things have been much better these days. So I wanted to offer an ear to anyone who wants to talk. You’re welcome to reach out at any time and I will be happy to reply as soon as I can. Little bit about me:

I really enjoy horror and I’m a bit late to it, but very into Mike Flanagan lately, hence the quote. I’ve watched House of Usher, Midnight Club, Hill House, and am working my way through Bly now. I’ve also been watching the Chucky movies for the first time after finishing the entire Resident Evil series.

I also love TV, I grew up watching a lot it shows with my mom and it’s something that’s always been very special to me. I need to get started on the new Abbott Elementary season and I’ve also been enjoying the hell out of Only Murders in the Building. Also watching Fear the Walking Dead recently (it really picks up a few seasons in) and I’ve been eye bleaching after horror shows with Bee and Puppycat.

I’ve struggled with loneliness, depression, social anxiety, and being a colossal fuck-up in the past so I generally try to be understanding of everyone even if you’re not at your best. Sometimes we just have to take it a day at a time.

I’m typically down to talk about anything you’re comfortable with, as long as it’s respectful. Even if we don’t talk I hope the rest of your week gets better and better!

New day! New attempt! I m looking for a Voice call buddy! In for something long term, not just one time thing! [o] New day! New attempt! I m looking for a Voice call buddy! In for something long term, not just one time thing! [o]

Looking for someone chill and talkative.

Want a buddy for voice call? Here I m! Looking for something long term!

Posting this again, cause why not!

Heyy good people! Hope ur doing absolutely great!

special invite to people who wanna make a long term friend!

I m looking for a decent soul for a voice call! ☺️I m a guy! [male]

Would prefer a female over a male because the conversation usually dies out with males, I tried and it just doesn't work out with guys. idk maybe we just vibe!

I m 21 -Any age 23+ is fine! -Completley Sfw Conversation!

Just send me a chat!! And we can connect! We can talk for bit and when we both are comfortable we can get on a call.

Strict no to people who just wanna msg and waste time and then ghost.☺️