With COVID19, there is an urgent need for schools to provide stay-at-home education alternatives. Puffin Cloud Learning provides K-12 schools affordable but high-performance devices for remote learning. PCL can be set up within minutes.

What is Puffin Cloud Learning?

Puffin Cloud Learning is a financially viable solution for many schools. For stay-at-home students and parents, Raspberry Pi can turn a family room TV into a remote-learning computer to alleviate the shortage of computers.

Your Best Educational Solution

Puffin Cloud Learning is 300% faster than Chrome OS devices costing 300% more. Browser benchmarks suggest Puffin is 1,200% faster than Chrome on Raspberry Pi. This cost-effective solution is unheard of on other platforms using Chrome OS and Windows.

Contact Us

If you are interested in the Puffin Cloud Learning, please contact us at [email protected].