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Global experts on online harm/child sexual exploitation descend on Winnipeg to help devise strategies for keeping Canadian children safe online and technology companies accountable

For Immediate Release

Winnipeg, Canada - International experts on online harm and child sexual exploitation are gathered in Winnipeg this week to develop strategies aimed at fighting back against unsafe digital spaces putting children at risk and the removal of child sexual abuse material CSAM from the internet. The event, hosted by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection C3P, includes representatives from the Five Eye governments, the European Union, legal, and child development experts.

“As the Government of Canada continues its work developing a framework for online safety for Canadians, it’s important to recognize that achieving true change in this space requires a global response, since the significant harms we’ve seen on the internet adhere to no borders. This is why we’ve brought together this key group of international partners,” says Lianna McDonald, Executive Director of C3P.

Other international governments, such as Germany, Australia, the U.K., and the E.U. have either proposed or have already enacted online safety laws.

“We feel we are at an historical moment and have the opportunity to shape the necessary changes needed to protect children and survivors not only in Canada, but at a global scale. There is a real momentum behind building a blueprint for action,” says McDonald.

To learn more about C3P and the global work being done to globally reduce CSAM, support survivors, and increase online protection, visit

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About the Canadian Centre for Child Protection: The Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) is a national charity dedicated to the personal safety of all children. The organization’s goal is to reduce the sexual abuse and exploitation of children through programs, services, and resources for Canadian families, educators, child‑serving organizations, law enforcement, and other parties. C3P also operates, Canada’s national tipline to report child sexual abuse and exploitation on the internet, and Project Arachnid, a web platform designed to detect known images of CSAM on the clear and dark web and issue removal notices to industry.

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