
: three plus three?
(Example: nine)

The Note You're Voting On

shidec00 at yahoo dot com
13 years ago
This anomali only happen on windows.
Server indicates that some variables built by http_build_query() is missing.

$ping_url = $this->sx_url.'ping.php?'.http_build_query($options);
$message = $this->_post_curl($ping_url);

After debugging i found that $ping_url contain url like :;key=mail&amp;ttd=df52861e

But myserver give "No ttd GET variable" response

This problem fixed by adding optional parameter to make sure that http_build_query() use only '&' as arg separator rather than '&amp;'

$ping_url = $this->sx_url.'ping.php?'.http_build_query($options,'','&');
$message = $this->_post_curl($ping_url);

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