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TrickyFoxy's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by TrickyFoxy

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Minutely updated tile volume: Technical details

Two of the nodes modified were information boards that were part of the Belarus - Ukraine border and Belarus-Russia border.

In light of the latest vandalism that breaks the current render, this looks like a tasty target for vandals in the future.

⚡⚡⚡ OSM API v1.0⁴: New data model, validation, OSM Premium and more

And vectors generalize well to three-dimensional space!



A minute of facts about the duration of changesets

I forgot to write about one unpleasant feature of open changesets: while they are open, you can’t comment on them. I wouldn’t risk rolling them back either. You can find a full story about the problems of changesets here

I Have seen that table before, haven’t I? On Github or on Discourse?

I published it only in the Telegram chats:

but I guess there’s not much “monitoring” involved.

The problem is that you already suggest that open changesets should be handled in a special way. This already sounds weird.

As you can see, after a glimpse of 3600 seconds, these are changesets that are closed automatically. These are either StreetComplete users who no longer made any edits as part of the quest. Or connection breaks.

@NorthCrab, in its implementation of API 0.7, offers one interesting thing: sending changes with a single HTTP request. Take a look at the current API and realize how overcomplicated it is: (

Open changesets in their current form, a strange and inconvenient thing. But I think they can be made better.


A rather non-trivial arrangement of documentation about this :)

But even more interesting is that this token is the same in all your sessions. As if there is no problem in this, but the solution is suspicious.


Things get a lot more interesting. If you open the browser console on (It is important that the map is visible), you will see an OAuth token in the ‘head’ tag with access to edit the map and notes. You don’t even need an extension ̄\(ツ)/ ̄


Blurring is a few lines of css, so it was easy :)

Большие bbox не проблема мапперов

Кстати, Enhanced Replication увидело свет или осталось идеей?

Большие bbox не проблема мапперов

Если алгоритм работает и с веями, и с отношениями, и они еще связаны как то между собой, то всё становится сложнее.

Если веи/отношения как-то связаны/пересекаются, то и разбивать такие пакеты не нужно. Для простоты можно смотреть пересекаются ли bbox объектов.

Кстати, если затронуты только теги, то разбивать тоже просто.

Но ещё проще не доводить до больших правок

bounding box не характеризует правку, а changeset — надуманная группировка для правок

мне взяло где-то 48 часов как бы осознать вообще что происходит…. Ну как это может быть в 21 веке?

Что чейнжсеты бесполезная штука, которыми нельзя даже копию базы поддерживать, это прям грустно. И подпорок, которые сейчас нельзя сломать, для этого особо нет.

OpenStreetMap Service Availability (2023-11-20 - 2023-12-20)

Then check out

OpenStreetMap Service Availability (2023-11-20 - 2023-12-20)

100 OSM mapping days

I localized the Every Door map in Odia language. Let’s see when it will be released to the App.

Please note that in order to work comfortably in your language, you should make sure that the basic tag presets are translated

This App can help me maintain my 100-day streak.

Note to and the Telegram bot

Future deprecation of HTTP Basic Auth and OAuth 1.0a

And although as a programmer, I understand the benefit of abandoning legacy, it’s still going to be a very painful change.

The StreetComplete beta was recently released. I was de-logged, I tried to log in, logging in via social networks is inconvenient, I had to look for a password….

And then there are users of Organic Maps,, OsmAnd. I’m scared to imagine if they will remember their passwords and want to recover them.

In the case of, I doubt that they will migrate to OAuth 2.0 at all. (but someone will probably breathe a sigh of relief).

Password login, while not secure, is many times easier for novice developers. No libraries, no getting tokens. Want to test the API in the sandbox? Change one URL. I’ve even as a mapper used this in JOSM. With OAuth you get confused with application tokens, but with password it’s simple.

Немного статистики

Я из или ссылку достаю

Немного статистики

Если кто-то не видит картинок в Firefox, то отключите защиту от отслеживания. Она их банит из-за того что они в ВК размещены.

AI come to us 🙏

I can discuss who can be trusted more now, AI or a random mapper :)

Therefore, it is not about mapping. And about scenarios when you just check the AI result.

3D модели скульптур и зданий

В F4 есть несколько захардкоженных моделей зданий. Добавлять свои нельзя

Fresh Sentinel-2 in your editors. With QGIS, but easier

Oh, cool, thanks @maraf24

Too bad iD doesn’t have access to file://

Свежие карты для Organic Maps

Эта же замтека, но в удобном для просмотра в Telegram виде

🚰 Как найти питьевую воду с помощью карт основанных на OpenStreetMap?

Насчёт показа пригодности источника в Organic Maps: