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A cat running wheel for Nevaeh to keep her emotional companion healthy and active

Posted May 23, 2024
After spending lots of time in therapy, Nevaeh is at a stage where she is beginning to unpack her childhood and heal parts of her younger self. Her therapist has acknowledged how difficult this process is going to be and knows that Nevaeh would benefit from having an emotional support companion. Nevaeh wants to make sure that she has everything she needs to make this process as healthy and effective as it can be. So, she's preparing to welcome a kitten into her home. Nevaeh would love to make sure that her kitten is well taken care of and will live a long, beautiful life. She would love to get a cat running wheel to provide her indoor cat with as much exercise as it needs.

Nevaeh is 18 years old and lives in CA

Nevaeh is getting ready to graduate high school very soon—she cannot wait for this next phase of her life. She spent much of her life in foster care until she was adopted at age 11. When she turned 16, she re-entered foster care. After experiencing so much heartbreak, Nevaeh is always the biggest cheerleader for others. She knows what it feels like to be let down and not believed in, and she never wants others to feel that way.