Table 1 Summary of features of the Google COVID-19 Search Trends symptoms, National Surveillance Syndromic Program, and Household Pulse Survey datasets used in the current study.

From: An evaluation of Internet searches as a marker of trends in population mental health in the US



Time range

Sample demographic

Sample size

Google COVID-19 Symptom Search Dataset

Searches related to:

(1) Anxiety

(2) Depression

(3) Suicidal ideation

(4) Motion sickness

01/01/2018–04/04/2021 (171 weeks)

US-wide Google search engine users

Tens of millions of users

US Census Household Pulse Survey

Symptoms of

(1) Anxiety

(2) Depression

04/27/2020–3/29/2021 (27 weeks)

US-wide nationally representative Internet survey

Sample size:

Range: 39,447–118,897

Weighted response rate:

Range: 1.3–10.3%

For mental health concerns, proportion reporting:

(1) Taking prescription medication,

(2) Receiving counseling or therapy, or

(3) Unmet need

08/19/2020–3/29/2021 (15 weeks)

US-wide nationally representative Internet survey


National Syndromic Surveillance Program

Count of emergency department (ED) visits for age 10+ for:

(1) Disaster related mental health, and

(2) Suicide attempts

12/30/2018–10/04/2020 (93 weeks)

Data from ED facilities in 48 US states and Washington DC

(1) Average # of ED visits for disaster related mental health: 40,192 (range: 30,034–45,618)

(2) Average # of ED visits for suicide attempts: 4836 (range: 4064–5606)