Supplementary Figure 5: Structural variant calling performance. | Nature Biotechnology

Supplementary Figure 5: Structural variant calling performance.

From: Accurate circular consensus long-read sequencing improves variant detection and assembly of a human genome

Supplementary Figure 5

Precision, recall, and number of variant calls in the GIAB benchmark regions for the PacBio CCS mapping-based variant callers (a) pbsv and (b) Sniffles; the PacBio CCS assembly-based callers (c) paftools/Canu (polished) and (d) paftools/FALCON (unpolished); the PacBio CLR mapping-based callers (e) pbsv and (f) Sniffles; the Illumina short-read callers (g) Manta and (h) Delly; and the 10X Genomics callers (i) LongRanger and (j) paftools/Supernova. Negative length indicates a deletion; positive length indicates an insertion. The histogram bin size is 50 bp for variants shorter than 1 kb, and 500 bp for variants >1 kb. Precision and recall are measured with Truvari against the GIAB benchmark.

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