Fig. 3: Qualitative and quantitative saliency analysis illustrating the influence of various regions of the image towards the prediction. | Nature Biomedical Engineering

Fig. 3: Qualitative and quantitative saliency analysis illustrating the influence of various regions of the image towards the prediction.

From: Detection of signs of disease in external photographs of the eyes via deep learning

Fig. 3

a, Overview of anterior eye anatomy. b–h, Eye images from patients with HbA1c ≥9% (b), Tch ≥240 mg dl−1 (c), Tg ≥200 mg dl−1 (d), moderate+ DR (e), DME (f), VTDR (g), and cataract (h). Illustrations are the result of averaging images or saliency maps from 100 eyes, with laterality manually adjusted via horizontal flips to have the nasal side on the right (Methods). Left: the original averaged image. Right: a similarly averaged saliency from GradCAM. Saliency maps from other methods are shown in Supplementary Fig. 4a–g. aPre-specified primary prediction tasks.

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