Our industries

Data infrastructure for complex companies

Nasuni helps global organizations reach their goals with a new approach to data infrastructure

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The platform that brings growth potential to every industry

Hybrid cloud data infrastructure for modern, complex, and global organizations – no matter your sector

From manufacturing to media, the Nasuni File Data Platform is helping some of the world’s largest, most complex companies manage their data architecture.

Whether your sector needs to scale up secure file sharing, manage complex data more efficiently, or protect assets in permanent storage, Nasuni has the solution.

We work across a huge range of industries to solve critical data problems that are individual to each organization. No matter what sector you’re in, we’re familiar with industry issues and can work with you to add value.

If you’re looking for a new approach to data infrastructure – and to move your business forward – you’ve come to the right place.


The Nasuni platform puts your data in immutable storage, while taking unlimited snapshots for frequent recovery points. Disaster recovery for your files happens in seconds, not days. All without extra costly hardware and software.

Architecture, engineering, and construction

The world’s biggest architecture, engineering, and construction brands are modernizing their file storage and protection with Nasuni.

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Energy, oil, and gas

Time-to-energy moves faster when teams dispersed across the world and in remote locations can access files without delay.

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Financial services

Financial services firms are turning to lower risk file-sharing with fewer limitations.

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Retail and consumer goods

Product, brand, and marketing teams can collaborate in real-time while protecting your brand IP and permanently storing files.

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Healthcare and life sciences

Research data is growing exponentially — Nasuni lets life sciences and healthcare companies scale research and production while managing costs and complexity.

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Manufacturers can modernize data infrastructure to flex with changing workflows while optimizing performance, protection, and recovery.

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Media and advertising

A hybrid cloud file platform empowers global teams to work faster.

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Public sector

Organizations are squeezing more value from their budgets with data infrastructure that works harder.

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Want to know what Nasuni could achieve for your industry?