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A Course in Miracles & A Course of Love

New York, NY

A Course in Miracles & A Course of Love

Know your life purpose and the meaning of your current situation clearly.

    Communicate with your Inner Teacher.

    Heal yourself and others.

Taught in English by Yasuko Kasaki and Christopher Pelham

These are open, ongoing and experiential classes designed to help you to experience the lessons and wisdom of A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love. We make abundant use of guided meditation and creative visualization exercises, inspired by these beautiful texts and other sources provided by the instructor. Slowly, you will re-train your eyes to see the world around you without judgment. You will learn to communicate with your holy spirit. You will learn how to read energy and to heal yourself and others.

In each class, we read and discuss a section of the text. There is ample time to discuss how the information therein relates to and maybe be applied to relationships and circumstances in our daily lives. While the classes do progress through the book, it is OK to join at any time. If you have been studying for many years, these classes would be even better.

In the monthly Sound Healing Circles, we explore draw on various contemporary shamanic and sound healing traditions to quiet our minds, enter trance-like state, and receive and share guidance together. 

Yasuko Kasaki has been teaching A Course in Miracles and offering spiritual counseling and healing since 1999. She has approximately 1,000 students and clients. In 2004, she opened CRS, the first and only spiritual center in New York City devoted to the study and practice of ACIM. Ms. Kasaki is the author of 21 books published by major publishers in Japan. Read more...

Christopher Pelham, co-founder of CRS, has a background in ensemble and improvisational theatre and has been studying ACIM since 2003 and offering healing and spiritual counseling since 2013. He leads the Monday night Healing Clinic at CRS, participates in the Tuesday night Healing Clinics.

You can listen to a sampling of our guided meditations here:

Another great way to get a taste of our approach is to attend one of our free Healing Events, each of which is open to the public:

Spiritual Healing Clinic
Mondays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm & Tuesdays from 7 – 7:45 pm
suggested donation $20

Guided Meditation
Tuesdays from 6:30 – 7 pm

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Abraham Hicks & A Course In Miracles Mastermind

New York, NY

Abraham Hicks & A Course In Miracles Mastermind
Welcome! This is a Virtual Meetup for new or experienced students of Abraham Hicks and A Course In Miracles who are wanting to go deeper in their self-mastery. Each Virtual Meetup will be an open Q&A forum for participants to ask any questions they have in how to best apply these spiritual philosophies in any area of life.  The Virtual Meetup is led by Rev. Mark Gregor. Mark has been a spiritual practitioner for over 20 years, having studied countless religious and spiritual philosophies. Today, Mark is an ordained minister with a specialty in A Course In Miracles and Abraham Hicks. In his professional life, Mark is a sought-after executive coach and entrepreneur, having helped thousands worldwide transform their workday and the world around them. All topics are welcomed for discussion. Mark has extensive experience counseling and coaching spiritual students on improving many aspects of their life including career, relationships, health, money, parenting, business, decision-making, self-confidence and fulfillment, among others. \*Suggested $10 donation/tithe. \*\*\*PLEASE READ: IF you have RSVP'd by 12:00pm day of event, a direct message from Rev. Mark with this meeting's Zoom Login details will be sent the afternoon of the event to the email address have set for Meetup notifications. If you have not RSVP'd prior to 12:00pm the day of the event, you may not receive the Zoom login details and will need to wait for the next event. NOTE: If you are 100% sure you RSVP'd prior to 12:00pm and still did not see the email, please double check your inbox and junk/spam folder (as Meetup emails can sometimes end up there).
1276 leden · Openbaar

A Course In Miracles/New Thought Spirituality NJ

Cranford, NJ

A Course In Miracles/New Thought Spirituality NJ
Hello, friends! We're looking to meet individuals who want to build a community of like minded people to meet in person on a regular basis to discuss A Course in Miracles and other New Thought/nondual spiritual teachings. You're welcome to join whether you currently have a spiritual practice or are just interested in exploring something new. Note that this is not a zoom group. We look forward to meeting you! Here is an ACIM definition from the **Foundation For Inner Peace.** *“A Course in Miracles – often abbreviated ACIM or simply called “the Course” – is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace - or remembering God - is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are “many thousands.” Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. A Course in Miracles, therefore, is a universal **Spiritual Teaching**, not a religion.* Here are some of the core principles shared among various teachings in New Thought spirituality: 1\. God or Infinite Intelligence is supreme\, universal\, and everlasting 2\. Divinity dwells within each person\, and all people are spiritual beings 3\. The highest spiritual principle is loving one another unconditionally and teaching and healing one another 4\. Our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living
56 leden · Openbaar

ACIM-Based Guided Meditation

New York, NY

ACIM-Based Guided Meditation

Tu 6:30 – 7 pm Guided Meditation (Free) at CRS

Please join us in the sharing of miracles! Here, your mind can come to rest and you can remember true peace. No experience with meditation is required, and everyone is welcome.

Please arrive for Meditation before 6:30 pm as we don't let people in once the meditation is in progress.

We at CRS are dedicated teachers and students of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) who are waiting to share miracles with you through our ACIM Healing. We ask the Holy Spirit to bring us directly to whatever seed thought is causing your current issues and we share forgiveness and bear witness to the miracles that are happening in your life. Each week I will share with you a different inspirational message from Holy Spirit: a creative visualization exercise, or instruction about the nature and purpose of meditation, our true nature, and our relationship to ourselves, to one another, and to the world.

Also, please feel free to stay afterward for our Spiritual Healing Clinic from 7 – 7:50 pm or try our more in-depth Meditating with A Course in Miracles class on Monday nights from 8 – 9:30 pm.

About Me

I have been teaching A Course in Miracles and offering spiritual counseling and healing since 1999. I have approximately 1,000 students and clients. In 2004, I opened CRS, the first and only spiritual center in New York City devoted to the study and practice of ACIM. I am the author of 21 books published by major publishers in Japan. Read more...

You can listen to a sampling of my recent guided meditations here:


Yasuko Kasaki
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL
(between 12th & 13th streets, above Think Coffee) 
New York, NY 10003 



1403 leden · Openbaar

Walk-In Spiritual Healing Clinic

New York, NY

Walk-In Spiritual Healing Clinic

"Since only the mind can be sick, only the mind can be healed. Only the mind is in need of healing."
—"PSYCHOTHERAPY: Purpose, Process and Practice," Supplements to A Course in Miracles

Hello, all miracle workers & seekers! We are dedicated teachers and students of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) who are waiting to share miracles with you through our ACIM-based Healing. We ask the Holy Spirit to bring us directly to whatever seed thought is causing your current issues and we share forgiveness and bear witness to the miracles that are happening in all areas of your life. Bring any issue you are facing right now — physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or whatever — or just bring your shining spirit, and receive a short session of energy work.

You will experience healing by the Holy Spirit through our healers' hands. Together, we create a Holy Triangle, consisting of the Holy Spirit and two brothers (you and a healer), to be the witnesses of miracles together. Together, we can help each other to accept God’s love! After your healing we might whisper to you a brief message that we receive from the Holy Spirit about what is going on in your energy field. Otherwise, we don't talk or discuss ACIM during this meetup event. We share healing quietly instead and provide you with an opportunity to come to rest, reflect, and remember who you truly are, in a supportive, non-judgmental, meditative environment.

So, rather than offering your advice, we'd like to offer you an opportunity to experience stillness of mind and peace so that you can return to harmony with your true nature and purpose. Then you will find that rather than needing "solutions" to "problems" you will realize that you have no problems except those that you project. We call this spiritual healing but it is not religious nor connected with any church or group. It is simply a practice of meditating together on our true nature and connecting with universal spirit/energy or what you will.


Mondays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm (please arrive by 7 pm) 
Tuesdays from 7 – 7:30 pm (please arrive by 7:20 pm) 
Suggested donation $20. No one is turned away.


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th Streets) 

A Note About the Role of Words in Healing:

"Strictly speaking, words play no part at all in healing. The motivating factor is prayer, or asking. What you ask for you receive. But this refers to the prayer of the heart, not to the words you use in praying. Sometimes the words and the prayer are contradictory; sometimes they agree. It does not matter. God does not understand words, for they were made by separated minds to keep them in the illusion of separation. Words can be helpful, particularly for the beginner, in helping concentration and facilitating the exclusion, or at least the control, of extraneous thoughts. Let us not forget, however, that words are but symbols of symbols. They are thus twice removed from reality...." — A Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers, Section 21

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