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New York Outrigger

New York, NY

New York Outrigger

This meetup is for active members of our organization.  

To support New York Outrigger, please click the following link for our donations page https://newyorkoutrigger.ecwid.com/General-Donation-p140302392


New York Outrigger (NYO) is a community of paddlers in New York City.  As a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit, we are dedicated to educating New Yorkers about outrigger canoe paddling and providing equitable access to our local waterways.

Located at Hudson River Park's Pier 66 Boathouse, NYO offers community outreach programs, paddling skills building, and competitive team training.

For more information please visit our website at newyorkoutrigger.org.

멤버 93명 · 비공개

New York, NY and Boston MA meaningful spiritual practices

New York, NY

New York, NY  and  Boston MA  meaningful spiritual practices
We hold meetings at 139 W 35th Street Lobby Level, New York NY 10018. You will need to call us at 212-268-7720 to get into the building on Sundays. Wednesdays the front t=doors to the building are locked at 7:30 pm. We hold our Boston, MA Study Group meetings at 876 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02119 For more information please call 617-522-0866 for times and days of meetings. RSVPs are not necessary, but helpful. We are about the practice of Karma-Yoga (love in action). We welcome all sincere seekers of truth.Our goal is to perfect and enrich our souls with Real Truth, and be the living embodiment of the Golden Rule. Remembering that truth is always subject to the interpretation of the beholder, and that no truth or spiritual practice is a panacea. We share our Spiritual development meetings and practice with like-minded people who wish to enrich their current spiritual practice(s). We can either let life live us, or we can live Life. Part of our on-going spiritual development practice is to listen to the Spiritual Teachings of Aquarian Foundation, which are by and through the scientifically tested genuine physical phenomena adept mediumship of world renowned Spiritual Teacher, Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart. You do not have to have any previous experience in meditating or have a spiritual practice to be a part of this spiritual development group. In our meetings we explore various types of spiritual development genres, namely; the use of meditation, the power and use of affirmative affirmation, the art of visualization, the purpose of mediumship and psychic development, Spiritual Healing, the use and purpose of sound and chanting, and much more. This is a group for open-minded individuals who are non-dogmatic in thinking and who are seriously looking for a spiritual discipline to free themselves from old negative patterns and thoughtforms. This is a group for you, if you recognize and understand that consciousness should not be restricted to the limitations of gender, race, creed or whom we love. We believe that with Time comes Understanding, with Practice comes Spiritual Discipline, with Truth for Authority, not Authority for Truth, comes mastery over the forces of life and death, and the freedom from re-incarnation. We make no claim, guarantee or promise about any meditation practice, Spiritual practice, or accuracy of any Spiritual messages or the results of any Spiritual Ceremony. No information contained herein or in our meetings is a denial of good and competent medical, financial, and other professional help. Each student is urged to seek competent professional advice for these or other matters. Program Subject to Change without Notice. Right of Admission is Reserved. Donations are not required, but are accepted. We encourage the practice of energy for energy exchange, and a teachings on prosperity which parallel the concept of Christian stewardship and the responsibility of tithing.
멤버 240명 · 비공개

Financial Freedom - New York

New York, NY

Financial Freedom - New York
Want to dive into Financial Freedom, Bitcoin, Crypto, Digital Asset Wealth but not sure how to get started? Excited about accumulating more Bitcoin or even just getting started on building your digital asset portfolio? Intimidated by the overwhelmingly technical nature of Blockchain based currency? Been in crypto for a while but experienced loss and scams? There is a better way...safe, secure, consistent profits on repeat are a real thing since March of 2022. We find that for many, #EazyBot is an exceptional and inexpensive, yet productive and prosperous way to protect against inflationary forces and to solidify future financial freedom. We provide weekly LIVE support, training, and updates for our global community to ensure a positive user experience. Tap in and learn how to take advantage of the inherent profit potential in the crypto space, safely, securely, consistently. ***If you are interested in joining our community, please discuss with the person or group that invited you to learn more about* EazyBot. You are NOW with family.\*\*** #Success - You have a reason; we have a way. #GYOB Grow Your Own Bitcoin: #FocusFocusFocus #ProfitsOnRepeat #CryptoMadeEazy #AI #ISO20022 #WAGMI #crypto #EazyBot #Bitcoin #btc #GYOB EazyBot Zoom Schedule: [Corporate Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23ffffff&ctz=America/New_York&mode=AGENDA&src=Y182dWpmcjZ0Zmc2Y2k3a2xoZWVxZTFoMDhra0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&color=%234285F4)
멤버 184명 · 공개

Wealth Watchers - New York

New York, NY

Wealth Watchers - New York
Want to dive into Financial Freedom, Bitcoin, Crypto, Digital Asset Wealth but not sure how to get started? Excited about accumulating more Bitcoin or even just getting started on building your digital asset portfolio? Intimidated by the overwhelmingly technical nature of Blockchain based currency? Been in crypto for a while but experienced loss and scams? There is a better way...safe, secure, consistent profits on repeat are a real thing since March of 2022. We find that for many, #EazyBot is an exceptional and inexpensive, yet productive and prosperous way to protect against inflationary forces and to solidify future financial freedom. We provide weekly LIVE support, training, and updates for our global community to ensure a positive user experience. Tap in and learn how to take advantage of the inherent profit potential in the crypto space, safely, securely, consistently. ***If you are interested in joining our community, please discuss with the person or group that invited you to learn more about* EazyBot. You are NOW with family.\*\*** #Success - You have a reason; we have a way. #GYOB Grow Your Own Bitcoin: #FocusFocusFocus #ProfitsOnRepeat #CryptoMadeEazy #AI #ISO20022 #WAGMI #crypto #EazyBot #Bitcoin #btc #GYOB EazyBot Zoom Schedule: [Corporate Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23ffffff&ctz=America/New_York&mode=AGENDA&src=Y182dWpmcjZ0Zmc2Y2k3a2xoZWVxZTFoMDhra0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&color=%234285F4)
멤버 223명 · 공개

New York Adventure Club

New York, NY

New York Adventure Club
[![New York Adventure Club](https://cdn.evbuc.com/eventlogos/63207043/smalllogoembroidered231615.png)](http://www.nyadventureclub.com/) **[NEW YORK ADVENTURE CLUB](http://www.nyadventureclub.com)** **UNLOCK YOUR CITY** We give you insider access to the city’s best-kept secrets. But we’re so much more than a tour company. **WHO WE ARE** We are a community-driven club that curates the most unique experiences in town, with a focus on history and storytelling. We show you a city you never knew existed, and offer a community you can’t live without. You won’t find our special-access tours and exclusive events anywhere else. Think after-hours tours of New York City’s most celebrated spaces, themed parties in unexpected locations, and weekend excursions to incredible destinations. All of our events end with social hangouts so you can meet people who love exploring as much as you do. **THE ‘CLUB’ IN NEW YORK ADVENTURE CLUB** Our current community is more than 50,000 members strong and includes everyone from recent NYC transplants to lifelong residents. Whatever borough you’re from (or city or country, for that matter), we’ll make it easy for you to take full advantage of the unique places and great people this city has to offer.   **WHERE WE GO** To ensure a one-of-a-kind experience each and every time, we hand pick events and outings specifically for the New York Adventure Club community. Recent events include: \* An after-hours tour of New York City Hall  \* Special access into some of New York's most coveted private social clubs, including the Explorers Club and National Arts Club \* Petting baby kangaroos, holding sloths, and feeding leopards at Staten Island Zoo  \* A behind-the-scenes exploration of the Woolworth Building with the building manager \* An NYPD Precinct tour, including a meet-and-greet with detectives and Emergency Service Unit crew members \* A tour of the Polish Consulate led by the Consul General and Vice Consul General of Poland \* An after-hours flashlight tour of Green-Wood Cemetery and catacombs \* A special-access tour of Brookhaven National Laboratory and its Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) \* A Halloween party in a historic gothic crypt, complete with a five-piece brass band Visit our [site](http://www.nyadventureclub.com) for a look at our upcoming adventures. For now, our experiences are based in and around NYC, but we plan to expand to other cities soon. **QUESTIONS?** Drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll happily answer. **Unlock Your City with New York Adventure Club.** P.S. - Sign up with our [weekly newsletter](https://mailchi.mp/nyadventureclub/meetup) to stay up to date with interesting events around town!
멤버 6241명 · 공개

Travel Avidly New York

New York, NY

Travel Avidly New York
**Welcome to a new way to travel!** Our goal is to create amazing local connections and then to build on them through shared adventures together all over the world. We also offer trips locally in each city, regionally, and nationally. **Bottom line:** We’re all about people. People are always better than not-people. We’re like bees. While we may occasionally get stung, we’re fundamentally social beings that need community. **Come join us and find out why we’re different.** 1. We like small groups with a maximum of 15 travelers, preferably 10. We want to get to know each other on a deeper level and make new friends. Larger groups in our experience don't allow for that. 2. Each trip is lead by a trip leader available to you 24 hours a day throughout the trip. You'll also have a private guide most days in each location you visit. 3. Nearly all of our trips are all-inclusive. That means airfare, lodging, all meals, all guided tours, admissions and events are included. 4. Our focus goes beyond viewing architecture. We want to immerse ourselves in the culture by meeting local residents, eating in authentic restaurants, and experience all the excitement of hidden adventures. 5. Each trip is a learning experience. Before departure, we hold a series of meetings to study the language, food, history, and culture of our destination. You'll have a deeper understanding of where and when you are when we travel together. 6. We're all about community. We want to get to know our travel mates beyond the superficial. Most trips end with the participants forming an extended family. They stay together and and travel together. 7. We offer a variety of activity levels. For the more adventurous we offer backpacking, biking, hiking, and scuba diving to exotic locations. For the more traditional traveler we offer trips focused on culture and experiences. 8. Whenever possible we stay in a detached house or villa instead of a hotel room. Often we're able to include a private chef for breakfast and more. We also try to limit the number of moves during the trip. Packing is a headache! 9. All our trips strive to give back to the local community in some way. For example, our Peru trip visits a local school and provides basic school supplies. **So come join the fun - let’s get to know each other!**
멤버 379명 · 공개