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주변 EC2 그룹

New York City Indoor Nudist Friends

New York, NY

This group is for those who are seeking nude or clothing-optional, indoor activities to do within the five boroughs of New York City. These activities may range anywhere from simple get-togethers where we discuss being a nudist to all-out events. In addition, it is our goal to find businesses that are friendly and are open to hosting an all-nude group in their location. Here are some of the activities we have in mind: 

• Topical Discussion Groups 

• Small In-home Gatherings 

• Dinner Parties (Potlucks or at a restaurant) 

• Gaming Parties (Board games or video games) 

•  Indoor Hot Tub Parties

• Spa Days

The above activities are simply ideas and may require a bit of team-effort to pull off. If anyone has any more activity ideas, feel free to message us! 

Note that all activities are to be non-sexual in nature. Also, human beings come in different shapes, sizes and colors; we accept this fact and wish to foster an environment where those in attendance are not judged by how their body looks. 

My wife and I created this group because we could not find nudist activities that were inside of the city and accessible by public transportation. Also, we had difficulty finding people who are interested in hanging out while being nude. Therefore, it is our hope that we can make new friends that enjoy the freedom that comes with spending time in the buff! :)

Note to women: Most of the people who have been expressing interest in the group seem to be men, but the larger nudist community seems to have about equal numbers of both sexes. Most of our sponsored activities will be approximately gender balanced, so you needn't fear being one of the few women surrounded by a sea of men. 

Note to everyone: We ask the signup questions for a reason. One word answers are not acceptable, since they tell us nothing about you.

멤버 1264명 · 비공개