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NYC Science Communication and Documentary Film Meetup Group

New York, NY

NYC Science Communication and Documentary Film Meetup Group
Hi everyone! My name is Joe. I'm a biologist. I did my undergraduate work in oceanography and marine ecology and then moved on to cellular and molecular biology and neuroscience for my PhD. I'm interested in all aspects of science. I'm a Biology Professor at a small New England College and teach Neurobiology, Marine Ecology, and a course title, Biological Imaging, and I teach an art class at the School of Visual Arts that focuses on using microscopes to take images for art, here in NYC. I'm a SCUBA diver and sailor/boater and have done a fair bit of traveling related to these two endeavors, often times with friends and small groups. I split my time between Cape Cod and Manhattan. I'm quite interested in the overlap between art and science and my current focus is on science communication.   Here, I would like to find an energetic group of people made up of scientists, artists, writers, photographers, naturalists, divers, cinematographers, social media gurus, web designers, illustrators, etc. to work on projects of science communication that can be brought to the world through documentary film, photographs, YouTube pieces, web posts and so on to make science understandable and accessible. I'm not sure exactly what this looks like just yet, but I hope the group can help shape the direction of our efforts.   Recently, I purchased a Netflix approved cinema camera (RED) and I'm planning on making a documentary film on squid. I have worked on squid and the squid nervous system for my entire scientific career. I'm planning a trip to China, Vietnam, and Thailand this coming May to jig for and document squid for those of you who might be interested. However, we also have two species of squid right here in NYC that we can collect and observe to document their beauty, intellect, and behaviors. Hope you will join our meetup group. Thanks, Joe
멤버 91명 · 공개

Future Technology

New York, NY

Future Technology
**OUR FOCUS** Here, we explore **Future Technology - Predictions, Scenarios, Trends, and more.** How will technological advancements look different in 10 years vs. even 50+ years from now? How will the human condition be affected? How will business be disrupted? **Promotion of relevant talks, workshops, hackathons, movie screenings, company visits, parties, group trips, and other types of events are welcome to be shared with our Future Technology Meetup members on this platform.** **LOCATIONS** Historically, this meetup group hosted and promoted events and opportunities in both California (Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area) and NYC.  We are now expanding to Los Angeles, and **covering virtual events globally.** **STRUCTURE** This Meetup has a flat organizational structure; all members are encouraged to host and/or promote events for the Future Technology community, ***however you must connect with the Organizer and get permission to post about your event***, otherwise it may be removed. **Collaborations and co-promotions can be facilitated by the Organizer. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments or ideas.  We're here to help and are excited to build on relevant exploratory goals with you!** Liability Waiver can be found at the bottom of the page. Listed below\*\*\* are some technologies and scenarios predicted by science fiction writers, futurists, technology experts, myself and members of the group. Our hope is to effectively provoke more dialogue and innovation and encourage new considerations of what is possible. **ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE**  Intelligent machines, ethics, gaming, computer vision and image recognition, big data, future of advertising, drug development/discovery, etc. **BIOTECH/MEDICINE**  Synthetic biology, organ preservation, genetic therapies, personalized drugs, at home diagnostics, healthcare system disruption, medical record privacy and access, lab grown organs, cloning, nanotechnology, contact lenses with zoom and record features, Bionic implants to allow for extreme strength Morphing of the human body Age reversal Creation of organisms Synthetic organs Enhanced senses Alteration of our bodies in superhuman ways Bionic limbs Never have to sleep or eat Use genes of other animals to implant in humans Artificial immune system Computer generated life - design a tree, generate a seed Creation of new animal and plant species by genetic manipulation Human/animal waste elimination Gene manipulation to change eye and hair color at the salon Cloning of extinct species A capsule that can be swallowed which will cure most diseases Instant hair color changer Cloning machines Genetically altered humans that can photosynthesize A new sense discovered, example eyes see a new type of wave, ears hear a type of wave.....another useful sense for humans Food as designer medicine  **BRAIN**  Download your memories/brain Complete digital record of your life Mind/emotion control devices Dream control devices Brain enhancement implants - memory, telepathy Transfer of information into the visual cortex or subconscious mind Artificial telekenesis - an implant to alter physical things with your mind. Brain Transplants Tapping into unused parts of the brain Download training experience, e.g., someone could be able to fly a jet or guide a submarine Memory/personality manipulation Increasingly bulging and Grays-shaped heads  **CHEMISTRY**  Replication and/or transformation of one chemical element to another Super lubricant Artificial spider silk Matter Reformation. (trash into food or plastic) Catoms, or claytronic atoms. Programmable matter  **CITY**  Megacities/entire world is one city Moving/floating/underwater cities Underground cities Cities/houses could be one huge organism which can repair itself Self-constructing buildings Anti-seismic buildings Vertical (skyscraper) farms Interactive Tourism  **INFORMATION**  Instant information Virtual presence Wireless everything One small mobile device does everything Virtual reality Internet-connection implant All media (movies, tv shows, etc.) on-demand Holographic messages Language translator implants Telepathy Phone implant Cyberspace telekinesis  **COMPUTERS**  Computers equivalent to the human brain Nanoscale computers everywhere Optical computers DNA computers Quantum computers Global network Computers that animals can use Self editing software Faster than Light or Instant Data transfer Laptops built in desks Computers that never crash, are impervious to all viruses, never a need to reboot Mind-reading Computers (Computers able to Communicate w/Humans via Thoughts) Holographic touch screen computers A computer that can turn into the size of a small sticky note  **EARTH**  Weather control Abundant food and water supply from technology Eco-manipulation (deserts into forests) Man-made precious materials like gold Mining of Earth's mantle Recycling everything Water shortages Technology is developed to help nature Ability to instantly purify water so all water is drinkable Efficient carbon dioxide into oxygen Replicate (man-made) planet Earth Global Warming Stabilizer Pollution clean up machines Artificial oxygen and ozone layer Water shortages  **ELECTRONICS**  Printable/paintable/flexible/see-through electronics, screens, touch panels, solar panels Invisible video/sensor surveillance Holograms Holographic tv on your wrist Voice/brain command over computers and appliances Contact lens displays/computers Glasses that can see different wavelengths Devices controlled by eyes (wheelchairs, computers, etc) Nuclear/Fusion powered devices Holodecks Intelligent jewelry, e.g., wristwatches that monitor blood pressure and pulse, necklace that measures brain activity. Energy force fields Room temperature superconductors Scanners to ring up everything in a basket at once Three dimensional television without need for cumbersome glasses Wireless internet access points will be embedded in everyday objects (Iot) Small remote projects a virtual touch screen Holographic mobile phone Powered suits that multiply human capabilities (Ironman type) Voice texting Ultra High Definition TV 3D Printing RFID/GPS Can Track Anything  **ENERGY**  Eco-friendly fuel Unlimited renewable energy Wireless energy Alternative nuclear energy Eco-friendly electricity Generating electricity from biomass Free energy Hyperexcited plasma. This type of plasma could be used to phase through solid objects It may also be used to provide the ability of flight. Solar mutualism. Directly taking plasma from the sun and using it to power devices Using liquid metallic hydrogen, and eventually liquid metal anything, for experiments in energy Resonance power  **FOOD AND AGRICULTURE**  Ice cream/chocolate that does not melt Genetically modified beans could propel all of our power stations and cars and also heat our homes cheaply Algea superfood that is easy to produce and is omnipotently healthy. Humans can survive on this and nothing else for extended periods of time  **HOME**  Printable/self constructing homes and buildings Eternal beer fountain (Uncle Walt's prediction) Smart homes Self washing, drying, and folding clothes intelligent/adaptable fabrics and clothing Personalized ergonomics Ultrasonic showers Replicators Hanging house Pets that live forever All surfaces are disinfecting and cleansing Walls, ceilings, (all other room surfaces) are digital screens. Can turn room into any environment with sounds and smells Soundproof rooms. Soundproof energy fields that you can walk through Self-cleaning tabletop and dishes Design your clothes in your computer the morning before wearing it Device that cleans your mouth from sugar/cavities/smoking in seconds Walls that talk Clothes can change design to suit mood or occasion  **NANOTECHNOLOGY**  Manipulate matter at the atomic scale Custom molecules Intelligent/adaptable materials Self replicating machines Nanoswarms/grey goo Desktop nano-factories build anything Frictionless surfaces  **PHYSICS**  Artificial black holes Artificial worm holes Traveling faster than light Invisibility cloaks Zero-point energy Ability to alter space and time Time machine Portals to other universes/dimensions Super strength magnets Ultraterrestialism. The ability to exist in multiple universes/dimensions at one time  **ROBOTICS**  Personal/caregiving/cleaning robots Nanobots Robots perform majority of labor jobs Robot partners (wife/husband) Exoskeletons Sentient robots Robotic prosthetics Robots controlled remotely with mind link Security robots Robots with a genetic code Robotic cashiers/tellers Robot musicians Robot pets Robot spies Robotic flying insects Rescue robots Robot haircuts  **SOCIETY**  Digital money, biometric identification, cashless societies, global citizenship, decentralization, IOT in home, etc. **SPACE**  Space elevator Alien contact Colonizing space Planetary/terra formation (creating planets) Orbital stations Solar sails Mining of the moon/planets/asteroids Starships Life on Mars Control the rotation of the planets Travel to other galaxies Black hole generator Space tourism Alien invasion Interplanetary trade Duplicate planet Earth Creating man-made suns Rail-gun Shipless Space Travel Human alienism, or advanced humans visiting a primitive alien planet Galactic alliances Using genetic manipulation to enable humans to live on alien planets Universe creation/destruction Orbital Colonization  **TRANSPORTATION**  Self-driving cars on smart-highways Flying cars Anti-gravity devices Teleportation Time machine Inertia dampeners, anti acceleration or anti breaking devices Ion or electromagnetic propulsion Flying boots Boots with turbo and wheels Underground highways Unmanned cargo ships Transforming transportation, cars that fly, planes that swim, boats that go on land Warp speed (traveling faster than light) Use clothes to fly. Clothes fly to laundry. Vehicles respond to environment (car lights automatically dim when another car's lights approach) Plasma Engines Satellite controlled cars Electric cars that do not need recharging Solar powered cars Transporter Submarines will be equipped with air recycling technology that will allow them to stay underwater for longer periods of time Vehicles move along an internet signal **Liability Waiver:** This is NOT a Professional Organization and we are not professional organizers. You agree to participate in these events completely at your own risk and to take full responsibility for your own safety and well-being, including those of your guests. You agree not to hold the Meetup Organizer, Co-Organizer, Assistant Organizers, Event Hosts or any other members responsible for any injuries, mishaps, or any other situation that may happen at a planned event. Your attendance at the event signifies that you have read and accept the terms of this liability waiver.
멤버 1395명 · 공개

Brooklyn Quantum Meetup

Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Quantum Meetup

The notes: https://heyredhat.github.io/

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC2OaOMwZ7HkrAm1yHuD9sg 

This is a meet-up for people from all walks of life, professions, disciplines, interests, arts, etc, who want to master the fundamentals of quantum mechanics (or help others do the same) in a laid back welcoming setting, and then speculate together about the implications of the quantum mechanical world view to our field of interest, whether it’s science or art, business or pleasure. If you are feeling a lack of quantum in your life, or if you’ve caught the quantum bug already, please join us and we can set this city on fire. Warning: may include math, but only the good kind.

Here’s a more extended blurb:

If you've tried to learn anything about modern physics aka quantum mechanics, about concepts like superposition, entanglement, and complementarity, if you've seen headlines about the crazy quantum computers which governments and tech companies are throwing billions at, about quantum computers breaking current cryptography while providing at the same time for perfect (?!) encryption, the Chinese teleporting photons to a satellite orbiting the earth, if you've encountered philosophers struggling to wrap their minds around what quantum physics is saying about reality and dealt with the nonsense that subsequently came out of their mouths—beautiful perhaps, but crazy, right?—or just bizarre robotic technical jargon that removes all mystery without replacing it with genuine understanding—whether these gurus appealed to Schrodinger-style Vedic Hinduism, building giant monuments to the Unified Field Theory out in the corn fields of Iowa (Maharishi University of Management and Yogic Flying lol), or to a friendly variant of the 1960's American crypto-Buddhism of a practicing experimentalist, or QM IS NOT PHILOSOPHY AND IS JUST A SERIES OF CALCULATIONS SHUT UP, or WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION GOD'S MATH BY APPLYING YOUR REASON AND EXPERIENCE TO IT ARE YOU AS SMART AS VON NEUMANN I HAVE A DEGREE, or they said something like, Oh yeah I got a C in that class too much calculus and complex numbers, or QM means everything's unreal or an illusion or subjective or nothing really matters or everything matters and anything possible happens in this most infinite of all giant multiverses and everything is connected which maybe means nothing is connected but a particle is a wave and it goes through both slits except when you look at it like schrodingers cat which is both dead and alive and there’s spooky action at a distance which einstein didn’t like and uh... 

You tried to find art that deals with it, because artists supposedly know how to communicate. And there were a lot of novels that took place from people's subjective points of view, and weird fragmented things, like cubism where you're gluing together a "representation" of an object from the object seen from incompatible viewpoints... Still it didn't make sense. All this quantum bullshit. In the end, you're born alone and you die alone, right? And what's between man and his god is private information! And things that aren't touching are absolutely separate from each other, because A has to be touching B touching C RIGHT NOW for them to be "together" in ANY sense! And two prisoners in separate cells will always betray each other because of the infinite chain of suspicion that happens whenever two completely separate beings try to trust each other in a world which consists of atoms ricocheting around in a void, vagrant disjoint souls infinitely separate from each other as from the absent god who watches the tragedy unfold in all its aspects from beyond the world with perfect clarity, and therefore: irony, pathos. And because god knows we can’t trust each other, he invented hell, so you’ll think twice before snitching. Meanwhile on fallen earth, life is a competition, and yeah, like we all WANT to be a big happy family, but daddy’s gotta do the dirty business because LIFE JUST ISN'T LIKE THAT, and in the end, god judges you for your deeds and your deeds alone, but secretly probably neither god nor hell exist in this worst of all possible worlds since the key to the gate of heaven is dwelling in the despair of the moment when jesus thought his father abandoned him, and so, I’LL CLEAR THE LAND OF THE INHABITANTS MYSELF SO MY CHILDREN WON’T HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. The bottom line: facing the chaos of a thousand jumbling atoms, an anonymous herd stretching in all directions who don’t even realize their EXISTENTIAL APOSTASY, the conclusion is inevitable: WE MUST BE RUTHLESS IN OUR GOVERNANCE OF THE ATOMIC HERD because their natural state is to fall apart in rebellion, since their natural state is being separate and rebellious, and this is precisely why god left this world, because of our sins, and so, to repay our debt in blood to god, we require the ULTIMATE CAPITALIST/FASCIST STATE brought about by GREAT SHEPHERD MEN WHO ARE SMART AND TOTALLY DESERVE IT AND WHOM WE SHOULD ALL WORSHIP BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO PUNISH US FOR OUR OWN GOOD to mediate all relationships with money so that by force of self-reliance and self-interest the economy will steer SPACESHIP EARTH THROUGH THE TERRIFYING VOID OF SEPARATENESS. Otherwise: SOCIETY WILL FALL APART BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DUMB AND LAZY AND JUST WANT TO SIT ON THEIR COUCH ALL DAY AND DO DRUGS. Duh! I grew up in America, that’s just common sense. After all, if we suddenly start thinking of A and B still being “together” when they aren’t touching, if our souls can touch, if we can share the same soul, if human beings become something greater than their parts when they get together, with each other and with the world around us, if we can, in fact, with full justification, have faith in each other across spatio-temporal distances, so that faith actually *means* something, and isn’t just privately glorying in the impossibility of beliving in anything, if we accept the SYSTEMATIC EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION of things like superposition (when two physical possibilities can coexist like two notes in a musical chord), entanglement (when absolutely random measurement results obtained in two spatio-temporally separate places always agree with each other in a way that (seemingly impossibly) depends on the free and independent choices of which measurements to make, separately, in the two places), and complementarity (when two given “properties” of an object, like having a position and having a momentum, can’t be simultaneously measured by anyone, even in principle, or can only be simultaneously measured up to a point), then WHAT IS EVEN REAL ANY MORE AKA WHERE DOES THE LET’S ALL HOLD HANDS HIPPIE BULLSHIT END? ESP, TELEPATHY, TELEKENESIS, TELEPORTATION, MIND CONTROL, GHOSTS, ASTRAL PROJECTIONS, ANCIENT ALIENS, ALL MANNER OF BLESSINGS AND CURSES, BINDING SPELLS, MAGIC AND PROPHECY, THE PAGAN GODS AND IDOLS OF OLD—AND ME! I AM A GOD AND ALL THIS IS MY DREAM! I am a God and all this is my dream. And suddenly, you’re alone again in the terrifying void. So back and forth you go, oscillating between two kinds of separateness: the separateness of being an atom, and the separateness of being a god. Without being able to find a middle ground between them. 

The reason you can’t find the middle ground is that you don't understand the math of quantum mechanics. The math of quantum mechanics will teach you to find the stillness of the middle path. 

Quantum mechanics is more than a theory of physics. To quote Scott Aaronson, QM is like the operating system that our theories of the world run on. It’s a general framework for reasoning about the way things evolve, combine, separate, and emerge, that makes different mathematical assumptions about separateness, and about the relationships between parts and wholes, than those which were “traditionally” or “classically” understood as possible in reality. The assumption had been: a whole can’t tell you more information than you can get from asking each of its parts separately. In QM, a whole can tell you more than its parts, but there is a big restriction! By extracting information from the whole, you become a part of it, and that conditions what you observe. Furthermore, because of another assumption—that information cannot be transmitted between A and B faster than the speed of light—QM ends up being highly constraining, even as it allows us to do what formerly would have been ruled out as simply impossible a priori. The math—the constraints demanded by QM—will give your brain the mental machinery necessary to actually conceive of THE REAL WORLD of entangled observers agreeing transubjectively on the results of measurements in accordance with the way their histories of interaction have tangled them up in togetherness, stratifying reality from the smallest to the largest scale, so that there is all sorts of intermediate structure between atom and god that you can rely upon, a middle place for you to relax in, something between the NIGHTMARE of ATOMS IN A VOID and the FANTASY of ALL THIS IS A DREAM. To quote Alexander Pope, a human being’s proper place is in the middle. But to take the middle path, you have to take it. You can’t just think about taking it. You have to transform yourself because otherwise you won’t be able to imagine it. I mean, that is, if you want to. If it’s a problem for you. If you’re oscillating between god and atom, for example. There are a thousand ways to take the middle path, and most of them don’t involve math. For example, it’s easy for writers to understand that a whole is greater than the sum of its parts—they die a little inside every time a sentence is taken out of context. A musician too knows when they are properly “tensored” with their band-mates and can play as one instrument in perfect harmony. But depending on who you are, sometimes math can help. Sometimes math is the only way. You’ll know it when the time comes.

Most of the supposed academic consensus about well, mostly everything: evolutionary history, biology, anthopology, sociology, economics, psychology, linguistics, literature and literary criticism, the nature of art and the artist, even theology, was originally developed from a classical perspective, the general heuristic being that we are mindless automata built from separate atomic components who swap meaningless symbols around that thereby gain conventional meanings which you can discover by looking at how the robots behave differently around them. The robots have a symbol for “I” which is the name for a self-model they developed to more efficiently regulate their algorithms for planning, action, and memory retrieval, and which leads to characteristic delusions in the robots, for example, that they have free will or consciousness, both of which concepts are incoherent because a) everything has a cause given beforehand b) if you could walk into a room sized brain, where’s the consciousness? It may sound dramatic, but in a sense, revisiting these classical assumptions requires *all human knowledge* to be re-evaluated. Your confusion is not an accident. Its origin lies in history. An influential worldview, developed over millenia by Christian influenced modernizing Europe, was demolished by QM at the turn of the 20th century, and it is because of the trauma of that period that the subject still retains a spectral, ghostly character.

The idea of this meet-up is that we should all get together, and do what we can’t do apart, which is give life to the ghost in all its glory. We’ll go through the basics of QM—the math is actually not hard—and in fact, it’s getting easier every day, as people develop new tools for thinking about quantum processes more conveniently as the race to the quantum internet of the future continues with all its drama. Once we all have a firm, shared foundation in how to use the math to help us think correctly about quantum phenomena, we can turn to the speculative bit: the group can help each member explore the potential quantum implications for their especial field of interest.

Here’s some links to a few introductory papers, some established, some speculative, for inspiration. The least mathematical and most broadly philosophical is Heisenberg’s. The most hip one, by far, is Bob Coecke’s. Aaronson is a brilliant and lucid expositor and theorist, who also writes on the issue of free will. Nielsen and Chuang deliver the solid goods. I don’t know who Flitney and Abbott are, but their paper, chosen more or less at random, is indeed a nice intro to the basics: quantum game theory is the first step in starting to think about how QM might be relevant to “social” issues. W. F. Lawless might be talking out of his ass, but after I read his paper, I tell ya, it stuck with me—and given the nature of this meet-up, it’s kind of meta. As the weeks go by, we can decide on a set of core readings that we’ll all work through in common.

Werner Heisenberg, Reality and its Order


Scott Aaronson, Excerpts from Quantum Computing Since Democritus



Also, The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine


Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Chapters 1 and 2.)


Bob Coecke, From quantum foundations via natural language meaning to a theory of everything


A. P. Flitney and D. Abott, An introduction to quantum game theory


W. F. Lawless, The entangled nature of interdependence. Bistability, irreproducibility and uncertainty


Also, free food and beer!

멤버 293명 · 공개