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주변 Bible Study 그룹

Bible Study on Deeper Questions

New York, NY

Bible Study on Deeper Questions

Are you getting bored of sticking to blind faith? Are your questions always met with abstract and hyberbolic answers? <br> Do you think organized religion stifles your reasoning powers? <br> What do the Scriptures say? <br> 'Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD' (Isaiah 1:18). <br> Possibly the only religious book in the world that openly invites its reader to reasoning! <br> Join our bible study group that gladly accepts God's invitation to reason with Him and study His Word diligently!

Please join us for a virtual bible study on Google Meet:

Tuesdays 7:00 PM ET: https://meet.google.com/oyn-ezve-vbg

Sundays 3:00 PM ET: https://meet.google.com/crx-eujz-vpq <br>

Note: Before Covid, we used to meet in person at Manhattan and Newport (Jersey City). We hope to resume that once vaccinations are completed and life returns to normal. Till then we plan to meet online via Google Meet. <br>

If you want to try out our WhatsApp group first, please click this link on your phone: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JAtXZIUi8RxHjz1LEYrWGu

Topics the group hopes to explore: <br> 1. What does mankind's future look like, as per the Bible? <br> 2. Why does God permit so much evil in the world? <br> 3. Are science and faith mutually exclusive? Could they be reconciled with each other? <br> 4. What has happened over 2000 years of church history and how has that changed Christianity from its original version? <br> 5. Can the Bible be harmonized from Genesis to Revelation? Does it contradict itself anywhere? <br> <br> Locations: <br> We meet at both New York (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Newport/Jersey City) locations. We are also open to schedule studies in other towns or suburbs in NY and NJ. <br> <br> Hallmarks of the group: <br> 1. Informal and interactive study <br> 2. Freedom of thought and open mindedness <br> 3. Intellectually stimulating discussions based on the Scriptures <br> 4. No shackles of any organized religion's dogma <br> 5. Dignified and respectful of each other's opinions

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