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Health Coaching Clients - Consultations

New York, NY

Health Coaching Clients - Consultations
Hi friend! If you’re like most people, I imagine there are specific goals you have for your health and life. Perhaps you want more energy and are tired of always being tired. Maybe you have certain habits or cravings that you can’t seem to get under control. Or perhaps it’s time to finally figure out how to feel great in your own body. Does any of this sound familiar? As a Health Coach, I support my clients in making sustainable shifts in their nutrition and lifestyle so they can reach their goals and make changes that last. I support them in ways that are enjoyable and easily integrated into their lives. If you’re ready to make some real changes in your life and learn how to reach your unique goals, I have a special invitation for you. I’d like to offer you a free initial health consultation. This confidential 45-minute session, available virtually, allows you to: • Identify your health goals and what you’ve always imagined for your life. • Figure out what you truly want to accomplish long-term, for yourself and maybe even your family or friends. • Understand how you may be getting in your own way when trying to reach these goals. • Learn how to have my support to achieve your goals by hearing what I offer when you participate in my health coaching program. This session could very well be a turning point in your life. Are you ready to make your goals a reality? If so, your next step is to schedule a free session. Please schedule a time using the Calendly link below and complete the health history form (also down below). [Schedule a free session in Calendly]( [Health History Form]( I very much look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Jade Health Coach
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