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Couples Over 40 groups near

Women over 40 Travel

New York, NY

Women over 40 Travel
This group is for 40+ female travelers who don’t want to wait on their friends to finally say “yes” to travel. Life is too short and the world is so big! The trips in this group are usually 90% solo female travelers. So let’s travel together with fun, like-minded travelers! If you have an open mind and are kind to fellow travelers; you will fit in perfectly on these trips! If you’d like to host a meetup in your area (i.e. a dinner, brunch, happy hour, travel talk, coffee, etc), feel free to let us know and we’ll help you get it set up in the group! **Note:** The people on these trips are from all over the States, but you’ll always be connected with people from the same city on a trip so you can meet up face to face and get to know your future travel partners prior to the trip. You’ll also be connected to the whole group via email and WhatsApp prior to the trip so you can virtually get to know those that are from different areas. On average, the people on each trip are 90% solo female travelers, but there are sometimes the occasional couple or solo male traveler. Please understand that it’s hard to predict the exact demographic for each trip. Feel free to join the Facebook Travel Forum to connect with past travelers on these trips, see pictures, ask questions, funny travel memes, travel related articles, etc. : []( The trips in this group are put on by a completely female-owned and operated tour company called Globe Drifters and they focus on small group trips geared towards solo travelers with the mission of giving new meaning to travel by putting the human experience at the heart of their trips. The groups are small with 10-12 people maximum per trip and about 90% of everyone on each trip are solo female travelers so you’re not stuck being the odd man out on trips with mostly couples. You’ll have the best of both worlds; solo travel with the security of a small group of other solo travelers for some company on your adventure! To contact Globe Drifters directly, you can email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
1200 members · Private

Over 40 Fun Loving Singles in New Jersey

Newark, NJ

Over 40 Fun Loving Singles in New Jersey


We are a diverse meetup group providing a platform for New Jersey singles (male and female) over 40 to meet other singles for friendship or maybe even find someone special, while participating in fun activities. We know it can be difficult taking that first step to get out there and meet people you don't know. However, by providing fun, social events in a comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere, we can take that step together. You've got an automatic built in set of friends! This is YOUR meetup group and it is only as good as its members. We welcome all suggestions for activities and possible venues, and we encourage people from all ethnicities and backgrounds.


In order to ensure a pleasant experience for all, please note the following:



We are a RSVP YES ONLY GROUP. Please let us know when you are able to attend an event by responding Yes. If you are unable to attend, please do not RSVP No--There is no need to respond. (Can you imagine if we received 120 No’s and 20 Yes’s? The event would certainly look unpopular and no one would be interested in going.)



If you RSVP Yes and can't make an event, please change your RSVP to No. It is a policy of this groups that anyone who RSVP's to a dinner event and does not show will be removed from the group. This is especially important when reservations have been made with a restaurant and there is a waiting list. Please be respectful of the organizer and the other members.



By attending any of this group’s events, you are assuming responsibility for your own safety. Everyone should drink responsibly, and make sure that you are physically able to attend strenuous activities like bowling, tennis, etc.

1299 members · Public

Fun for Grown-Ups (40s & 50s+)

New York, NY

Fun for Grown-Ups (40s & 50s+)

For a full list of our upcoming Meetup events go to - 

You can also find more of our Meetups at our partner group -

Whatever your pleasure is, whether it be dancing, dining, partying, hiking, etc. our group is always open to your ideas. This is a great way for like-minded people to join the fun here in NYC! Our events will be in the New York Tri- State area. You are always welcome to invite your friends to our events. Hope to meet you at one soon!

4255 members · Public