Welcome to our newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter

Doctors Living has grown since its early beginnings and our reach grew beyond our expectations so we would like to start with a big thank you to everyone for your support. Without you all, we wouldn’t be able to help as many people as we do, so this means the world to us all.

Over the past year we have seen an increase in physician dissatisfaction and the horror stories that flooded through. We didn’t expect the outpouring of stories that were sent to us from all around the globe from physicians and other healthcare workers asking for help or advice. It was great that so many reached out, but so sad that they were in such a terrible situation in the first place that they needed it.

Late 2022, after banging our heads against many administrators’ doors and policy makers, we decided to try and find a way for them to hear us and to do it on a bigger scale with larger voices.

To continue our mission to help physicians, other healthcare workers and their families, we decided to launch a podcast with a difference. We decided it is time for real sustainable change for the future of healthcare. 

Our Making Medicine Better podcast has a team of 9 co-hosts who are experts in their fields and are based all around the globe. These incredible individuals have come together weekly to debate and discuss everything in healthcare and make suggestions based on research and expert opinion, to create solutions that will help to build a sustainable future for all. 

From healthcare workers wellbeing, healthcare innovation & technology, to policy and sustainability. They will discuss it all and will be aiming to at the very least, provoke conversations with those with the power to change healthcare, and to educate healthcare workers and patients about current healthcare topics and what the future needs to be.

Our podcast is interactive and welcomes involvement from our listeners to reach out with questions they wish the team to discuss. They also encourage their listeners to add their own views on the episodes too and bring in other experts to help with very specific healthcare problems. 

This is a philanthropic mission so there are no costs or agendas behind us. We are entirely funded by our founders and our experts have provided their time at no cost. We all just want to play our part in the future of our healthcare system and our only ask is that you share our message so we can help more people and institutions around the world.

Each week we will publish our newsletter and let you know what is happening in healthcare around the world without the bias or political allegiance.

Our podcast episodes drop every Monday on all major platforms too so make sure you follow us to stay up to date with all your healthcare information.

Have a fantastic week!

Thank You,

Doctors Living

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